The Main Round offer results will be announced on 7 August 2024 (9:00 am) through the following channels:
Please click on the JUPAS Catalogue No. to check the details on payment of acceptance fee of HK$5,000 and registration / enrolment procedures.
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City University of Hong Kong
Institution / Scheme | JUPAS Catalogue No. | Funding Category | Programme Short Name | Programme Full Title |
CityU | JS1000 | UGC-funded | BScCFFT | BSc Computational Finance and Financial Technology |
CityU | JS1001 | UGC-funded | BBAGBU | BBA Global Business |
CityU | JS1002 | UGC-funded | BBAAC | BBA Accountancy |
CityU | JS1005 | UGC-funded | BBAMGMT | BBA Management |
CityU | JS1007 | UGC-funded | BBAMKT | BBA Marketing |
CityU | JS1012 | UGC-funded | EF | Department of Economics and Finance (options: BBA Business Economics, BBA Finance) |
CityU | JS1013 | UGC-funded | BBABE | BBA Business Economics |
CityU | JS1014 | UGC-funded | BBAFIN | BBA Finance |
CityU | JS1017 | UGC-funded | IS | Department of Information Systems (options: BBA Global Business Systems Management, BBA Information Management) |
CityU | JS1018 | UGC-funded | BBAGBSM | BBA Global Business Systems Management |
CityU | JS1019 | UGC-funded | BBAIFMG | BBA Information Management |
CityU | JS1025 | UGC-funded | MS | Department of Management Sciences (options: BBA Business Decision Analytics, BBA Global Operations Management) |
CityU | JS1026 | UGC-funded | BBABDAN | BBA Business Decision Analytics |
CityU | JS1027 | UGC-funded | BBAGOM | BBA Global Operations Management |
CityU | JS1041 | UGC-funded | SCM | School of Creative Media (options: BA Creative Media, BSc Creative Media, BAS New Media) |
CityU | JS1042 | UGC-funded | BACM | BA Creative Media |
CityU | JS1043 | UGC-funded | BScCM | BSc Creative Media |
CityU | JS1044 | UGC-funded | BAS | BAS New Media |
CityU | JS1051 | UGC-funded | SEE | School of Energy and Environment (options: BEng Energy Science and Engineering, BEng Environmental Science and Engineering) |
CityU | JS1052 | UGC-funded | BEngESE&BBAFIN | Bachelor of Engineering in Environmental Science and Engineering and Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance |
CityU | JS1061 | UGC-funded | LLB | Bachelor of Laws |
CityU | JS1062 | UGC-funded | LLB&BBAAC | Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Business Administration in Accountancy |
CityU | JS1071 | UGC-funded | SDSC | School of Data Science (options: BSc Data Science, BSc Data and Systems Engineering) |
CityU | JS1072 | UGC-funded | BScDSC | BSc Data Science |
CityU | JS1074 | UGC-funded | BScDSE | BSc Data and Systems Engineering |
CityU | JS1102 | UGC-funded | BSocScIRGA | BSocSc International Relations and Global Affairs |
CityU | JS1103 | UGC-funded | BACHIS | BA Chinese and History |
CityU | JS1104 | UGC-funded | BAEN | BA English |
CityU | JS1106 | UGC-funded | COM | Department of Media and Communication (options: BA Digital Television and Broadcasting, BA Media and Communication) |
CityU | JS1108 | UGC-funded | BSocScPAM | BSocSc Public Affairs and Management |
CityU | JS1109 | UGC-funded | BALLA | BA Linguistics and Language Applications |
CityU | JS1110 | UGC-funded | SS | Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences (options: BSocSc Criminology and Sociology, BSocSc Psychology, BSocSc Social Work) |
CityU | JS1111 | UGC-funded | BSocScCRSO | BSocSc Criminology and Sociology |
CityU | JS1112 | UGC-funded | BSocScPSY | BSocSc Psychology |
CityU | JS1113 | UGC-funded | BSocScSW | BSocSc Social Work |
CityU | JS1122 | UGC-funded | BSocScPP&LLB | Bachelor of Social Sciences in Public Policy and Bachelor of Laws |
CityU | JS1123 | UGC-funded | BSocScCR&LLB | Bachelor of Social Sciences in Criminology and Bachelor of Laws |
CityU | JS1200 | UGC-funded | GREAT | Global Research Enrichment and Technopreneurship (GREAT) |
CityU | JS1201 | UGC-funded | ACE | Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering (options: BEng Architectural Engineering, BEng Civil Engineering, BSc Architecture and Surveying) |
CityU | JS1202 | UGC-funded | BScCHEM | BSc Chemistry |
CityU | JS1204 | UGC-funded | BScCS | BSc Computer Science |
CityU | JS1205 | UGC-funded | EE | Department of Electrical Engineering (options: BEng Computer and Data Engineering, BEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering, BEng Information Engineering, BEng Microelectronics Engineering) |
CityU | JS1206 | UGC-funded | BScCM | BSc Computing Mathematics |
CityU | JS1207 | UGC-funded | MNE | Department of Mechanical Engineering (options: BEng Aerospace Engineering, BEng Mechanical Engineering, BEng Nuclear and Risk Engineering) |
CityU | JS1208 | UGC-funded | BScPHY | BSc Physics |
CityU | JS1210 | UGC-funded | BEngMASE | BEng Materials Science and Engineering |
CityU | JS1211 | UGC-funded | BEngBME | BEng Biomedical Engineering |
CityU | JS1216 | UGC-funded | BEngITME | BEng Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering |
CityU | JS1217 | UGC-funded | PRIME | Pathway for Research, Innovation, and Multinational Engineering (PRIME) |
CityU | JS1220 | UGC-funded | LLB&BScCM | Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Science in Computing Mathematics |
CityU | JS1221 | UGC-funded | BScCS&BScCFFT | Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Bachelor of Science in Computational Finance and Financial Technology |
CityU | JS1801 | UGC-funded | BVM | Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine |
CityU | JS1805 | UGC-funded | BMS | Department of Biomedical Sciences (options: BSc Biological Sciences, BSc Biomedical Sciences) |
CityU | JS1806 | UGC-funded | BScBISI | BSc Biological Sciences |
CityU | JS1807 | UGC-funded | BScBMS | BSc Biomedical Sciences |
Hong Kong Baptist University
Institution / Scheme | JUPAS Catalogue No. | Funding Category | Programme Short Name | Programme Full Title |
HKBU | JS2020 | UGC-funded | BA | Bachelor of Arts (Hons) (Chinese Language and Literature / Creative and Professional Writing / English Language and Literature / Humanities / Translation) |
HKBU | JS2025 | UGC-funded | BA(RPE) | Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Religion, Philosophy and Ethics |
HKBU | JS2060 | UGC-funded | BA/BMUS(MUSIC/CI) | Bachelor of Arts (Hons) / Bachelor of Music (Hons) (Music / Creative Industries) |
HKBU | JS2110 | UGC-funded | BBA(ACCT) | Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) - Accounting Concentration |
HKBU | JS2120 | UGC-funded | BBA | Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) |
HKBU | JS2310 | UGC-funded | BCOMM | Bachelor of Communication (Hons) (Journalism and Digital Media / Public Relations and Advertising) |
HKBU | JS2330 | UGC-funded | BA(FTV) | Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Film and Television |
HKBU | JS2340 | UGC-funded | BFA(AGS) | Bachelor of Fine Arts (Hons) in Acting for Global Screen |
HKBU | JS2370 | UGC-funded | BCOMM(GDA) | Bachelor of Communication (Hons) in Game Design and Animation |
HKBU | JS2410 | UGC-funded | BCM&BSc(BIOMED) | Bachelor of Chinese Medicine and Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Biomedical Science |
HKBU | JS2420 | UGC-funded | BPharm | Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) in Chinese Medicine |
HKBU | JS2510 | UGC-funded | BSc | Bachelor of Science (Hons) |
HKBU | JS2610 | UGC-funded | BA/BSocSc | Bachelor of Arts (Hons) / Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) (European Studies [French/German Stream] / Geography/ Global and China Studies/ Government and International Studies/ History/ Sociology) |
HKBU | JS2620 | UGC-funded | BA(PERM) | Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Physical Education and Recreation Management |
HKBU | JS2660 | UGC-funded | BSW | Bachelor of Social Work (Hons) |
HKBU | JS2810 | UGC-funded | BA(VA) | Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Visual Arts |
HKBU | JS2910 | UGC-funded | BSc(BCDA) | Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Business Computing and Data Analytics |
HKBU | JS2920 | UGC-funded | BASc(ARTT) | Bachelor of Arts and Science (Hons) in Arts and Technology |
HKBU | JS2930 | UGC-funded | BA(BUSADMIN-GE) | Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Business Administration (Global Entertainment) |
HKBU | JS2940 | UGC-funded | BSocSc/BSc(HSWB) | Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) / Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Innovation in Health and Social Well-Being |
HKBU | JS2950 | UGC-funded | BAScT | Bachelor of Arts, Science and Technology (Hons) in Individualised Major |
Lingnan University
Institution / Scheme | JUPAS Catalogue No. | Funding Category | Programme Short Name | Programme Full Title |
LingnanU | JS7101 | UGC-funded | BA (Hons) Chinese | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese |
LingnanU | JS7123 | UGC-funded | BLA (Hons) GDS | Bachelor of Liberal Arts (Hons) in Global Development and Sustainability |
LingnanU | JS7133 | UGC-funded | BA (Hons) ADA | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Animation and Digital Arts |
LingnanU | JS7200 | UGC-funded | BBA (Hons) | Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) |
LingnanU | JS7204 | UGC-funded | BA (Hons) Trans, CS & CC | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Translation, Cross-cultural Studies, and Corporate Communication |
LingnanU | JS7216 | UGC-funded | BBA (Hons) - RIM | Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) - Risk and Insurance Management |
LingnanU | JS7225 | UGC-funded | BSc (Hons) Data Science | Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Data Science |
LingnanU | JS7301 | UGC-funded | BSocSc (Hons) Economics | Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) - Economics |
LingnanU | JS7302 | UGC-funded | BSocSc (Hons) Gov't & IA | Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) - Government and International Affairs |
LingnanU | JS7303 | UGC-funded | BSocSc (Hons) Psychology | Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) - Psychology |
LingnanU | JS7304 | UGC-funded | BSocSc (Hons) Sociology | Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) - Sociology |
LingnanU | JS7305 | UGC-funded | BSocSc (Hons) HSSM | Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) - Health and Social Services Management |
LingnanU | JS7306 | UGC-funded | BSocSc (Hons) SPPS | Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) - Social and Public Policy Studies |
LingnanU | JS7503 | UGC-funded | BA (Hons) Contem English | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Contemporary English Studies |
LingnanU | JS7606 | UGC-funded | BA (Hons) Cultural Stud | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Cultural Studies |
LingnanU | JS7709 | UGC-funded | BA (Hons) History | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History |
LingnanU | JS7802 | UGC-funded | BA (Hons) Philosophy | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy |
LingnanU | JS7905 | UGC-funded | BA (Hons) Film& Vis.Arts | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Film and Visual Arts* |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Institution / Scheme | JUPAS Catalogue No. | Funding Category | Programme Short Name | Programme Full Title |
CUHK | JS4006 | UGC-funded | ANTHROPOLOGY | Anthropology |
CUHK | JS4018 | UGC-funded | CHI LANG & LIT | Chinese Language and Literature |
CUHK | JS4020 | UGC-funded | CULTURAL STUDIES | Cultural Studies |
CUHK | JS4022 | UGC-funded | CULTURAL MANAGEMENT | Cultural Management |
CUHK | JS4032 | UGC-funded | ENGLISH | English |
CUHK | JS4044 | UGC-funded | FINE ARTS | Fine Arts |
CUHK | JS4056 | UGC-funded | HISTORY | History |
CUHK | JS4068 | UGC-funded | JAPANESE STUDIES | Japanese Studies |
CUHK | JS4070 | UGC-funded | LINGUISTICS | Linguistics |
CUHK | JS4082 | UGC-funded | MUSIC | Music |
CUHK | JS4094 | UGC-funded | PHILOSOPHY | Philosophy |
CUHK | JS4109 | UGC-funded | RELIGION | Religious Studies |
CUHK | JS4111 | UGC-funded | THEOLOGY | Theology |
CUHK | JS4123 | UGC-funded | TRANSLATION | Translation |
CUHK | JS4136 | UGC-funded | CHINESE STUDIES | Chinese Studies |
CUHK | JS4202 | UGC-funded | INTEGRATED BBA | Integrated Bachelor of Business Administration Programme |
CUHK | JS4214 | UGC-funded | GBS | Global Business Studies |
CUHK | JS4226 | UGC-funded | HOSP & REAL EST | Hospitality and Real Estate |
CUHK | JS4238 | UGC-funded | IFAA | Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis |
CUHK | JS4240 | UGC-funded | PROF ACCOUNTANCY | Professional Accountancy |
CUHK | JS4252 | UGC-funded | QFIN | Quantitative Finance |
CUHK | JS4254 | UGC-funded | GLEF | Interdisciplinary Major Programme in Global Economics and Finance |
CUHK | JS4264 | UGC-funded | BBA-JD | Bachelor of Business Administration (Integrated BBA Programme) and Juris Doctor Double Degree Programme |
CUHK | JS4276 | UGC-funded | QFRM | Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science |
CUHK | JS4329 | UGC-funded | PHY ED, EX SCI & HEALTH | Physical Education, Exercise Science and Health |
CUHK | JS4331 | UGC-funded | BA (CHI) BEd (CHI EDU) | B.A. (Chinese Language Studies) and B.Ed. (Chinese Language Education) |
CUHK | JS4343 | UGC-funded | BA (ENG) BEd (ENG EDU) | B.A. (English Studies) and B.Ed. (English Language Education) |
CUHK | JS4361 | UGC-funded | MATHS EDUCATION | B.Ed. in Mathematics and Mathematics Education |
CUHK | JS4372 | UGC-funded | BEd (ECE) | B.Ed. in Early Childhood Education |
CUHK | JS4386 | UGC-funded | LEARNING DESIGN AND TECH | B.Sc. in Learning Design and Technology |
CUHK | JS4408 | UGC-funded | MAEG | Mechanical and Automation Engineering |
CUHK | JS4412 | UGC-funded | COMPUTER SCI & ENG | Computer Science and Engineering |
CUHK | JS4416 | UGC-funded | CDAS | Computational Data Science |
CUHK | JS4428 | UGC-funded | BENG FINTECH | BEng in Financial Technology |
CUHK | JS4434 | UGC-funded | ELEG | BEng in Electronic Engineering |
CUHK | JS4446 | UGC-funded | IERGN | Information Engineering |
CUHK | JS4458 | UGC-funded | SEEM | Systems Engineering and Engineering Management |
CUHK | JS4460 | UGC-funded | BMEG | BEng in Biomedical Engineering |
CUHK | JS4462 | UGC-funded | EEEN | BEng in Energy and Environmental Engineering |
CUHK | JS4468 | UGC-funded | AIST | BEng in Artificial Intelligence: Systems and Technologies |
CUHK | JS4501 | UGC-funded | MBChB | Medicine (MBChB) Programme |
CUHK | JS4502 | UGC-funded | MBChB-GPS | Medicine (MBChB) Programme Global Physician-Leadership Stream (GPS) |
CUHK | JS4513 | UGC-funded | NURSING | Nursing |
CUHK | JS4525 | UGC-funded | PHARMACY | Pharmacy |
CUHK | JS4537 | UGC-funded | PUBLIC HEALTH | Public Health |
CUHK | JS4542 | UGC-funded | CHIN MEDICINE | Chinese Medicine |
CUHK | JS4550 | UGC-funded | BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES | Biomedical Sciences |
CUHK | JS4601 | UGC-funded | SCIENCE | Science |
CUHK | JS4648 | UGC-funded | EESC | Earth and Environmental Sciences |
CUHK | JS4682 | UGC-funded | ENRICHMENT MATHEMATICS | Enrichment Mathematics |
CUHK | JS4690 | UGC-funded | THEORETICAL PHYSICS | Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics |
CUHK | JS4719 | UGC-funded | RISK MGT SCI | Risk Management Science |
CUHK | JS4725 | UGC-funded | BEHM | Biotechnology, Entrepreneurship and Healthcare Management |
CUHK | JS4733 | UGC-funded | MIEGN | Mathematics and Information Engineering |
CUHK | JS4750 | UGC-funded | ASEIDM | Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Science and Earth Informatics + X (ASEI+X) Double Major Programme |
CUHK | JS4760 | UGC-funded | IDADM | Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Data Analytics and X Double Major Programme |
CUHK | JS4801 | UGC-funded | SOCIAL SCIENCE | Social Science |
CUHK | JS4812 | UGC-funded | ARCHITECTURE | Architectural Studies |
CUHK | JS4824 | UGC-funded | ECONOMICS | Economics |
CUHK | JS4836 | UGC-funded | GEO & RES MGT | Geography and Resource Management |
CUHK | JS4838 | UGC-funded | URBAN STUDIES | Urban Studies |
CUHK | JS4848 | UGC-funded | GOV'T & PUBLIC ADMIN | Government and Public Administration |
CUHK | JS4850 | UGC-funded | JOURNALISM & COMMUN | Journalism and Communication |
CUHK | JS4858 | UGC-funded | GLOBAL COMM | Global Communication |
CUHK | JS4862 | UGC-funded | PSYCHOLOGY | Psychology |
CUHK | JS4874 | UGC-funded | SOCIAL WORK | Social Work |
CUHK | JS4886 | UGC-funded | SOCIOLOGY | Sociology |
CUHK | JS4892 | UGC-funded | GLOBAL STUDIES | Global Studies |
CUHK | JS4893 | UGC-funded | DSPS | Data Science and Policy Studies |
CUHK | JS4903 | UGC-funded | LLB | Bachelor of Laws |
The Education University of Hong Kong
Institution / Scheme | JUPAS Catalogue No. | Funding Category | Programme Short Name | Programme Full Title |
EdUHK | JS8105 | UGC-funded | BEd(CHI) | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Chinese Language) |
EdUHK | JS8222 | UGC-funded | BEd(ENG)-Pri | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (English Language) - Primary |
EdUHK | JS8234 | UGC-funded | BEd(P)-GS(H&S) | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Primary) - General Studies (Humanities and Science) |
EdUHK | JS8246 | UGC-funded | BEd(P)-MA | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Primary) - Mathematics |
EdUHK | JS8325 | UGC-funded | BEd(PE) | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Physical Education) |
EdUHK | JS8361 | UGC-funded | BEd(S)-ICT | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Secondary) - Information and Communication Technology |
EdUHK | JS8371 | UGC-funded | BEd(BAFS) | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Business, Accounting and Financial Studies) |
EdUHK | JS8381 | UGC-funded | BEd(HIST) | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (History) |
EdUHK | JS8404 | UGC-funded | BEd(ECE) | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Early Childhood Education) |
EdUHK | JS8428 | UGC-funded | BEd(GEOG) | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Geography) |
EdUHK | JS8430 | UGC-funded | BEd(Science) | Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Science) |
EdUHK | JS8507 | UGC-funded | HD(ECE) | Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education |
EdUHK | JS8600 | UGC-funded | BA(Lang Studies)-CN | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies (Chinese Major) |
EdUHK | JS8612 | UGC-funded | BA(Lang Studies)-EG | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies (English Major) |
EdUHK | JS8636 | UGC-funded | BA(CAC)-MU | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture (Music) |
EdUHK | JS8648 | UGC-funded | BA(CAC)-VA | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture (Visual Arts) |
EdUHK | JS8651 | UGC-funded | BSocSc(Psy) | Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Psychology |
EdUHK | JS8663 | UGC-funded | BA(SE) | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Special Education |
EdUHK | JS8675 | UGC-funded | BA(ESDC) | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Studies and Digital Communication |
EdUHK | JS8687 | UGC-funded | BA(HE&AM) | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Heritage Education and Arts Management |
EdUHK | JS8702 | UGC-funded | BSc(IEM) | Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Integrated Environmental Management |
EdUHK | JS8714 | UGC-funded | BSc(AI&EdTech) | Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Artificial Intelligence and Educational Technology |
EdUHK | JS8726 | UGC-funded | BSc(SPSC) | Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Sports Science and Coaching |
EdUHK | JS8801 | UGC-funded | BA(CAC) & BEd(MU) | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Music) Co-terminal Double Degree Programme |
EdUHK | JS8813 | UGC-funded | BA(CAC) & BEd(VA) | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Visual Arts) Co-terminal Double Degree Programme |
EdUHK | JS8825 | UGC-funded | BA(Lang Studies)&BEd(EL) | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (English Language) Co-terminal Double Degree Programme |
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Institution / Scheme | JUPAS Catalogue No. | Funding Category | Programme Short Name | Programme Full Title |
PolyU | JS3011 | UGC-funded | BIOTECH & CHEM TECH | BSc (Hons) Scheme in Biotechnology and Chemical Technology |
PolyU | JS3020 | UGC-funded | DATA SCI | BSc (Hons) Scheme in Data Science (Data Science and Analytics / Investment Science and Finance Analytics) |
PolyU | JS3030 | UGC-funded | PHYSICS | BSc (Hons) in Physics with a Secondary Major in Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics (AIDA) / Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IE) |
PolyU | JS3050 | UGC-funded | FASHION | BA (Hons) Scheme in Fashion (Fashion Design / Knitwear Design / Contour Fashion and Activewear / Fashion Business / Fashion Innovation and Technology) |
PolyU | JS3060 | UGC-funded | ACCT & FINANCE | BBA (Hons) Scheme in Accounting and Finance (Accountancy / Accounting and Finance / Digital Finance and Investment) |
PolyU | JS3070 | UGC-funded | GBL,AVIAT,MARI & SC MGT | BBA (Hons) Scheme in Global Business and Logistics, Aviation, Maritime, and Supply Chain Management |
PolyU | JS3080 | UGC-funded | MGT & MARKETING | BBA (Hons) Scheme in Management and Marketing (Management / Marketing) |
PolyU | JS3100 | UGC-funded | BLDG & REAL ESTATE | BSc (Hons) Scheme in Building and Real Estate (Building Engineering and Management / Property Management / Surveying) |
PolyU | JS3110 | UGC-funded | BLDG SCI & ENGG | BEng (Hons) Scheme in Building Sciences and Engineering |
PolyU | JS3120 | UGC-funded | CIVIL ENGG & SUS DEVELOP | BEng (Hons) Scheme in Civil Engineering and Sustainable Development |
PolyU | JS3130 | UGC-funded | SPAT DATA & SMART CITIES | BSc (Hons) Scheme in Spatial Data Science and Smart Cities (Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics / Urban Informatics and Smart Cities) |
PolyU | JS3140 | UGC-funded | AVIATION ENGG | BEng (Hons) Scheme in Aviation Engineering (Aviation Engineering / Air Transport Engineering) |
PolyU | JS3150 | UGC-funded | BIOMEDICAL ENGG | BSc (Hons) Scheme in Biomedical Engineering |
PolyU | JS3170 | UGC-funded | ELECTRICAL ENGG | BEng (Hons) Scheme in Electrical Engineering (Electrical Engineering / Transportation Systems Engineering) |
PolyU | JS3180 | UGC-funded | INFO & AI ENGG | BEng (Hons)/BSc (Hons) Scheme in Information and Artificial Intelligence Engineering (Internet-of-Things / Artificial Intelligence / Information Security) |
PolyU | JS3240 | UGC-funded | ENGL & APP LINGUISTICS | BA (Hons) Scheme in English and Applied Linguistics |
PolyU | JS3250 | UGC-funded | APPLIED SOC SCI | BA (Hons) Scheme in Applied Social Sciences (Social Work / Social Policy and Social Entrepreneurship) |
PolyU | JS3290 | UGC-funded | OPTOMETRY | BSc (Hons) Scheme in Optometry |
PolyU | JS3310 | UGC-funded | HOTEL & TOURISM MGT | BSc (Hons) Scheme in Hotel and Tourism Management (Hotel Management / Smart Tourism and Hospitality / Event and Experience Management) |
PolyU | JS3320 | UGC-funded | CHI HISTORY & CULTURE | BA (Hons) Scheme in Chinese History and Culture |
PolyU | JS3330 | UGC-funded | LANG SCI, TRANSLAT, & ST | BA (Hons)/BSc (Hons) Scheme in Language Sciences, Translation, and Speech Therapy (Linguistics and Translation / Language Sciences and Analytics / Speech Therapy) |
PolyU | JS3337 | UGC-funded | MENTAL HEALTH NURSING | BSc (Hons) Scheme in Nursing - BSc (Hons) in Mental Health Nursing |
PolyU | JS3478 | UGC-funded | MED LAB SCI | BSc (Hons) Scheme in Medical Laboratory Science and Radiography - BSc (Hons) in Medical Laboratory Science |
PolyU | JS3557 | UGC-funded | PROD & INDUSTRIAL ENGG | BEng (Hons) Scheme in Product and Industrial Engineering (Product Engineering with Marketing / Industrial and Systems Engineering) |
PolyU | JS3569 | UGC-funded | DESIGN | BA (Hons) Scheme in Design (Advertising Design / Environmental Design / Information Design / Interaction Design / Interior Design / Media Design / Product Design / Service Design / Social Design) |
PolyU | JS3571 | UGC-funded | LOG & ENTERPRISE ENGG | BSc (Hons) Scheme in Logistics and Enterprise Engineering (Logistics Engineering with Management / Enterprise Engineering with Management) |
PolyU | JS3612 | UGC-funded | RADIOGRAPHY | BSc (Hons) Scheme in Medical Laboratory Science and Radiography - BSc (Hons) in Radiography |
PolyU | JS3624 | UGC-funded | OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY | BSc (Hons) Scheme in Rehabilitation Sciences - BSc (Hons) in Occupational Therapy |
PolyU | JS3636 | UGC-funded | PHYSIOTHERAPY | BSc (Hons) Scheme in Rehabilitation Sciences - BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy |
PolyU | JS3648 | UGC-funded | NURSING | BSc (Hons) Scheme in Nursing - BSc (Hons) in Nursing |
PolyU | JS3741 | UGC-funded | MECHANICAL ENGG | BEng (Hons) Scheme in Mechanical Engineering (Mechanical Engineering / Product Analysis and Engineering Design) |
PolyU | JS3868 | UGC-funded | COMPUTING & AI | BSc (Hons) Scheme in Computing and AI (Computer Science / Financial Technology and Artificial Intelligence / Enterprise Information Systems) |
PolyU | JS3910 | UGC-funded | FOOD SAFETY & TECH | BSc (Hons) Scheme in Food Safety and Technology |
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Institution / Scheme | JUPAS Catalogue No. | Funding Category | Programme Short Name | Programme Full Title |
HKUST | JS5101 | UGC-funded | IRE | International Research Enrichment |
HKUST | JS5102 | UGC-funded | SSCI-A | Science (Group A) |
HKUST | JS5103 | UGC-funded | SSCI-B | Science (Group B) |
HKUST | JS5181 | UGC-funded | SSCI-A (AI) | Science (Group A) with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence |
HKUST | JS5200 | UGC-funded | ENGG | Engineering |
HKUST | JS5282 | UGC-funded | ENGG+AI | Engineering with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence |
HKUST | JS5300 | UGC-funded | B&M | Business and Management |
HKUST | JS5311 | UGC-funded | ECON | BBA in Economics |
HKUST | JS5312 | UGC-funded | FINA | BBA in Finance |
HKUST | JS5313 | UGC-funded | GBUS | BBA in Global Business |
HKUST | JS5314 | UGC-funded | IS | BBA in Information Systems |
HKUST | JS5315 | UGC-funded | MGMT | BBA in Management |
HKUST | JS5316 | UGC-funded | MARK | BBA in Marketing |
HKUST | JS5317 | UGC-funded | OM | BBA in Operations Management |
HKUST | JS5318 | UGC-funded | ACCT | BBA in Professional Accounting |
HKUST | JS5331 | UGC-funded | ECOF | BSc in Economics and Finance |
HKUST | JS5332 | UGC-funded | QFIN | BSc in Quantitative Finance |
HKUST | JS5411 | UGC-funded | GCS | BSc in Global China Studies |
HKUST | JS5412 | UGC-funded | QSA | BSc in Quantitative Social Analysis |
HKUST | JS5711 | UGC-funded | ISDN | BSc in Integrative Systems and Design |
HKUST | JS5811 | UGC-funded | BIBU | BSc in Biotechnology and Business |
HKUST | JS5812 | UGC-funded | EVMT | BSc in Environmental Management and Technology |
HKUST | JS5813 | UGC-funded | MAEC | BSc in Mathematics and Economics |
HKUST | JS5814 | UGC-funded | RMBI | BSc in Risk Management and Business Intelligence |
HKUST | JS5822 | UGC-funded | SGFN | BSc in Sustainable and Green Finance |
HKUST | JS5901 | UGC-funded | T&M-DDP | BEng/BSc & BBA Dual Degree Program in Technology & Management |
The University of Hong Kong
Institution / Scheme | JUPAS Catalogue No. | Funding Category | Programme Short Name | Programme Full Title |
HKU | JS6004 | UGC-funded | BA(AS) | Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies |
HKU | JS6016 | UGC-funded | BSc(Surv) | Bachelor of Science in Surveying |
HKU | JS6028 | UGC-funded | BA(LS) | Bachelor of Arts in Landscape Studies |
HKU | JS6042 | UGC-funded | BA(US) | Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies |
HKU | JS6054 | UGC-funded | BA | Bachelor of Arts |
HKU | JS6066 | UGC-funded | BA&BEd(LangEd)-Eng | Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education - English (double degree) |
HKU | JS6078 | UGC-funded | BA&LLB | Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws (double degree) |
HKU | JS6080 | UGC-funded | BA&BEd(LangEd)-Chin | Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education - Chinese (double degree) |
HKU | JS6092 | UGC-funded | BEd(ECE&SE) | Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education and Special Education |
HKU | JS6107 | UGC-funded | BDS | Bachelor of Dental Surgery |
HKU | JS6119 | UGC-funded | BEd&BSc | Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science (double degree) |
HKU | JS6157 | UGC-funded | BSc(SLP) | Bachelor of Science in Speech-Language Pathology |
HKU | JS6212 | UGC-funded | BASc | Bachelor of Arts and Sciences |
HKU | JS6224 | UGC-funded | BASc(AppliedAI) | Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Applied Artificial Intelligence |
HKU | JS6236 | UGC-funded | BASc(Design+) | Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Design+ |
HKU | JS6248 | UGC-funded | BASc(FinTech) | Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Financial Technology |
HKU | JS6250 | UGC-funded | BASc(GHD) | Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Global Health and Development |
HKU | JS6262 | UGC-funded | BEng(DS&E) | Bachelor of Engineering in Data Science and Engineering |
HKU | JS6286 | UGC-funded | BA(HDT) | Bachelor of Arts in Humanities and Digital Technologies |
HKU | JS6406 | UGC-funded | LLB | Bachelor of Laws |
HKU | JS6418 | UGC-funded | BNurs-ALT | Bachelor of Nursing Advanced Leadership Track |
HKU | JS6456 | UGC-funded | MBBS | Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery |
HKU | JS6468 | UGC-funded | BNurs | Bachelor of Nursing |
HKU | JS6470 | UGC-funded | BSc(Bioinformatics) | Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics |
HKU | JS6482 | UGC-funded | BChinMed | Bachelor of Chinese Medicine |
HKU | JS6494 | UGC-funded | BPharm | Bachelor of Pharmacy |
HKU | JS6688 | UGC-funded | SMC | Science Master Class (double degree) |
HKU | JS6705 | UGC-funded | BPsych | Bachelor of Psychology |
HKU | JS6717 | UGC-funded | BSS | Bachelor of Social Sciences |
HKU | JS6729 | UGC-funded | BSc(Ac) | Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science |
HKU | JS6731 | UGC-funded | BSW | Bachelor of Social Work |
HKU | JS6755 | UGC-funded | BBA | Bachelor of Business Administration |
HKU | JS6767 | UGC-funded | BEcon/BEcon&Fin | Bachelor of Economics / Bachelor of Economics and Finance |
HKU | JS6781 | UGC-funded | BBA(Acc&Fin)/BBA(ADA) | Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance / Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting Data Analytics |
HKU | JS6793 | UGC-funded | BBA(BA) | Bachelor of Business Administration (Business Analytics) |
HKU | JS6808 | UGC-funded | BBA(Law)&LLB | Bachelor of Business Administration (Law) and Bachelor of Laws (double degree) |
HKU | JS6810 | UGC-funded | BSS(GL)&LLB | Bachelor of Social Sciences (Government and Laws) and Bachelor of Laws (double degree) |
HKU | JS6822 | UGC-funded | BJ | Bachelor of Journalism |
HKU | JS6846 | UGC-funded | BSc(MAT) | Bachelor of Science in Marketing Analytics and Technology |
HKU | JS6858 | UGC-funded | BSc&LLB | Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws (double degree) |
HKU | JS6860 | UGC-funded | BFin(AMPB) | Bachelor of Finance in Asset Management and Private Banking |
HKU | JS6884 | UGC-funded | BSc(QFin) | Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finance |
HKU | JS6896 | UGC-funded | BBA(IBGM) | Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business and Global Management |
HKU | JS6901 | UGC-funded | BSc | Bachelor of Science |
HKU | JS6925 | UGC-funded | BEng(BmE) | Bachelor of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering |
HKU | JS6937 | UGC-funded | GEBP | Global Engineering and Business Programme (double degree) |
HKU | JS6949 | UGC-funded | BBiomedSc | Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences |
HKU | JS6951 | UGC-funded | BEng(EngSc) | Bachelor of Engineering in Engineering Science |
HKU | JS6963 | UGC-funded | BEng | Bachelor of Engineering |
Hong Kong Metropolitan University
Institution / Scheme | JUPAS Catalogue No. | Funding Category | Programme Short Name | Programme Full Title |
HKMU | JS9009 | Self-financing | BSSc(Hons) | Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours |
HKMU | JS9010 | Self-financing | BSSc(Hons)Psychology | Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours in Psychology |
HKMU | JS9011 | Self-financing | BA(Hons)Chinese | Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Chinese |
HKMU | JS9013 | Self-financing | BA(Hons) LangStud & Tran | Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Language Studies and Translation |
HKMU | JS9016 | Self-financing | BA(Hons)CreAd&MediaDesig | Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Creative Advertising and Media Design |
HKMU | JS9019 | Self-financing | BA(Hons) EngLang&Cult | Bachelor of Arts with Honours in English Language and Culture |
HKMU | JS9220 | Self-financing | BBA(Hons)Pro Acct | Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Professional Accounting |
HKMU | JS9223 | Self-financing | BBA(Hons)AviServMgt | Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Aviation Services Management |
HKMU | JS9230 | Self-financing | BBA(Hons)Business Mgt | Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Business Management |
HKMU | JS9240 | Self-financing | BBA(Hons)Glbl Bus | Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Global Business |
HKMU | JS9262 | Self-financing | BBA(Hons)HRM | Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Human Resource Management |
HKMU | JS9266 | Self-financing | BBA(Hons)Mkt | Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Marketing |
HKMU | JS9280 | Self-financing | BAPH & BBMH | Bachelor of Applied Psychology with Honours, Bachelor of Business Management with Honours |
HKMU | JS9291 | Self-financing | BBA(Hons)SusTour&HosMgt | Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality Management |
HKMU | JS9294 | Self-financing | BBA(Hons)eSports Mgt | Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Sports and eSports Management |
HKMU | JS9520 | Self-financing | BEd&BLang(Hons)Putonghua | Bachelor of Education with Honours (Putonghua and Chinese Language Education) and Bachelor of Language Studies with Honours (Chinese Linguistic Studies) |
HKMU | JS9530 | Self-financing | BEd(Hons)&BEngLang(Hons) | Bachelor of Education with Honours in English Language Teaching and Bachelor of English Language Studies with Honours |
HKMU | JS9540 | Self-financing | BEng Lang (Hons) | Bachelor of English Language Studies with Honours |
HKMU | JS9550 | Self-financing | BLang(Hons) Applied Chin | Bachelor of Language Studies with Honours (Applied Chinese Language Studies) |
HKMU | JS9560 | Self-financing | BEd(Hons)&BLang(Hons)Chi | Bachelor of Education with Honours (Chinese Language Teaching) and Bachelor of Language Studies with Honours (Applied Chinese Language Studies) |
HKMU | JS9580 | Self-financing | BEd(Hons)ECE-Leader&SEN | Bachelor of Education with Honours in Early Childhood Education (Leadership and Special Educational Needs) |
HKMU | JS9719 | Self-financing | BSc(Hons) Cyber&ComSecy | Bachelor of Science with Honours in Cyber and Computer Security |
HKMU | JS9720 | Self-financing | BEng(Hons)Elec & CompEng | Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Electronic and Computer Engineering |
HKMU | JS9731 | Self-financing | BSc(Hons)EnvSci&GreenMgt | Bachelor of Science with Honours in Environmental Science and Green Management |
HKMU | JS9732 | Self-financing | BSc(Hons)BioMed&BioTech | Bachelor of Science with Honours in Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology |
HKMU | JS9733 | Self-financing | BSc(Hons)Science(STEAM) | Bachelor of Science with Honours in Science (STEAM) |
Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions / Sectors
Institution / Scheme | JUPAS Catalogue No. | Funding Category | Programme Short Name | Programme Full Title |
SSSDP | JSSA01 | SSSDP | BN (Hons) | Offered by SFU: Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) |
SSSDP | JSSA02 | SSSDP | BSDET (Hons) | Offered by SFU: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Digital Entertainment Technology |
SSSDP | JSSA03 | SSSDP | BSPT (Hons) | Offered by SFU: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy |
SSSDP | JSSA04 | SSSDP | BSAI (Hons) | Offered by SFU: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Artificial Intelligence |
SSSDP | JSSA05 | SSSDP | BATT (Hons) | Offered by SFU: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Translation Technology |
SSSDP | JSSA06 | SSSDP | BBA-AHTM | Offered by SFU: Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Applied Hotel and Tourism Management |
SSSDP | JSSC02 | SSSDP | B.Sc (Hons) in Arch | Offered by HKCHC: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Architecture |
SSSDP | JSSH01 | SSSDP | BBA-SCM | Offered by HSUHK: Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Supply Chain Management |
SSSDP | JSSH02 | SSSDP | BSc-AIN | Offered by HSUHK: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Actuarial Studies and Insurance |
SSSDP | JSSH03 | SSSDP | BSc-AC | Offered by HSUHK: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Computing |
SSSDP | JSSH04 | SSSDP | BSc-DSBI | Offered by HSUHK: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Data Science and Business Intelligence |
SSSDP | JSSH05 | SSSDP | BMSIM | Offered by HSUHK: Bachelor of Management Science and Information Management (Honours) |
SSSDP | JSSH06 | SSSDP | BA-AD | Offered by HSUHK: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Art and Design |
SSSDP | JSST01 | SSSDP | BHSc(N) | Offered by TWC: Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) in Nursing |
SSSDP | JSST02 | SSSDP | BSc(MLSc) | Offered by TWC: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Medical Laboratory Science |
SSSDP | JSST03 | SSSDP | BSc(RT) | Offered by TWC: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Radiation Therapy |
SSSDP | JSST04 | SSSDP | BSc(OT) | Offered by TWC: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Occupational Therapy |
SSSDP | JSST05 | SSSDP | BSc(PT) | Offered by TWC: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy |
SSSDP | JSST06 | SSSDP | BSc(AG) | Offered by TWC: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Gerontology |
SSSDP | JSST07 | SSSDP | BHISM | Offered by TWC: Bachelor of Health Information and Services Management (Honours) |
SSSDP | JSSU12 | SSSDP | BA(Hons)CreaWri&FilmArts | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Creative Writing and Film Arts |
SSSDP | JSSU14 | SSSDP | BFA(Hons)AnimatVisEff | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours in Animation and Visual Effects |
SSSDP | JSSU15 | SSSDP | BFA(Hons)IDDA | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours in Imaging Design and Digital Art |
SSSDP | JSSU18 | SSSDP | BA(Hons)NewMusic&Enter | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Arts with Honours in New Music and Interactive Entertainment |
SSSDP | JSSU40 | SSSDP | BNursing(Hons)General | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in General Health Care |
SSSDP | JSSU50 | SSSDP | BNursing(Hons)Mental | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in Mental Health Care |
SSSDP | JSSU55 | SSSDP | BSc(Hons)Physiotherapy | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Physiotherapy |
SSSDP | JSSU61 | SSSDP | BASc(Hons)IntTestInsCert | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Applied Science with Honours in Integrated Testing, Inspection and Certification |
SSSDP | JSSU67 | SSSDP | BSc(Hons)MedLabSci | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Medical Laboratory Science |
SSSDP | JSSU68 | SSSDP | BSc(Hons)AnalyTestSci | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Analytical Testing Science |
SSSDP | JSSU69 | SSSDP | BSc(Hons)FoodTestSci | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Food Testing Science |
SSSDP | JSSU70 | SSSDP | BSc (Hons) Data Sci & AI | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence |
SSSDP | JSSU72 | SSSDP | BSc (Hons)CompSci | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Computer Science |
SSSDP | JSSU77 | SSSDP | BSc(Hons)CMQSurveying | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Construction Management and Quantity Surveying |
SSSDP | JSSU78 | SSSDP | BEng(Hons)BSE&SustainDev | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Building Services Engineering and Sustainable Development |
SSSDP | JSSU79 | SSSDP | BEng(Hons)Civil Eng | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Civil Engineering |
SSSDP | JSSU90 | SSSDP | BBA(Hons)Hos&AttractMgt | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in International Hospitality and Attractions Management |
SSSDP | JSSU95 | SSSDP | BBA(Hons)Sports&RecMgt | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Sports and Recreation Management |
SSSDP | JSSU96 | SSSDP | BBA(Hons)Fin&FinTech | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Finance and Financial Technology |
SSSDP | JSSU97 | SSSDP | BBA(Hons)GM & SCM | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Global Marketing and Supply Chain Management |
SSSDP | JSSV01 | SSSDP | BA(FD) | Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Fashion Design |
SSSDP | JSSV02 | SSSDP | BA(PD) | Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Product Design |
SSSDP | JSSV03 | SSSDP | BA(LA) | Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Landscape Architecture |
SSSDP | JSSV04 | SSSDP | BA(CAM) | Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Culinary Arts and Management |
SSSDP | JSSV05 | SSSDP | BEng(CE) | Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Civil Engineering |
SSSDP | JSSV07 | SSSDP | BSc(HALM) | Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Horticulture, Arboriculture and Landscape Management |
SSSDP | JSSV08 | SSSDP | BSc(SUR) | Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Surveying |
SSSDP | JSSV09 | SSSDP | BSocSc(SRM) | Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Sports and Recreation Management |
SSSDP | JSSV10 | SSSDP | BEng(BSE) | Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Building Services Engineering |
SSSDP | JSSW01 | SSSDP | BAvOM | Offered by UOWCHK: Bachelor of Aviation (Honours) in Operations and Management |
SSSDP | JSSW02 | SSSDP | BMSOM | Offered by UOWCHK: Bachelor of Maritime Services and Operations Management (Honours) |
SSSDP | JSSY01 | SSSDP | BCom (Hons) FinTech | Offered by HKSYU: Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Financial Technology |