2024 JUPAS Main Round Offer Results

The Main Round offer results will be announced on 7 August 2024 (9:00 am) through the following channels:

  1. JUPAS website (Login my JUPAS account > Click "Offer Results and Feedback");
  2. The websites of the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions;
  3. SMS#; and
  4. JUPAS Office 24-hour Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) at (852) 2334 2330.

Please click on the JUPAS Catalogue No. to check the details on payment of acceptance fee of HK$5,000 and registration / enrolment procedures.

# SMS will only be sent to a valid Hong Kong mobile phone number. Applicants who provide a mobile phone number outside of Hong Kong should check the message under message boxes in the JUPAS accounts.
Emails and SMS are delivered via third party network providers and therefore the JUPAS Office is not responsible for any delay, loss, transfer, amendment or damage arising from the transmission process via third party network providers.

City University of Hong Kong

Institution / Scheme JUPAS Catalogue No. Funding Category Programme Short Name Programme Full Title
CityUJS1000UGC-fundedBScCFFTBSc Computational Finance and Financial Technology
CityUJS1001UGC-fundedBBAGBUBBA Global Business
CityUJS1002UGC-fundedBBAACBBA Accountancy
CityUJS1005UGC-fundedBBAMGMTBBA Management
CityUJS1007UGC-fundedBBAMKTBBA Marketing
CityUJS1012UGC-fundedEFDepartment of Economics and Finance (options: BBA Business Economics, BBA Finance)
CityUJS1013UGC-fundedBBABEBBA Business Economics
CityUJS1014UGC-fundedBBAFINBBA Finance
CityUJS1017UGC-fundedISDepartment of Information Systems (options: BBA Global Business Systems Management, BBA Information Management)
CityUJS1018UGC-fundedBBAGBSMBBA Global Business Systems Management
CityUJS1019UGC-fundedBBAIFMGBBA Information Management
CityUJS1025UGC-fundedMSDepartment of Management Sciences (options: BBA Business Decision Analytics, BBA Global Operations Management)
CityUJS1026UGC-fundedBBABDANBBA Business Decision Analytics
CityUJS1027UGC-fundedBBAGOMBBA Global Operations Management
CityUJS1041UGC-fundedSCMSchool of Creative Media (options: BA Creative Media, BSc Creative Media, BAS New Media)
CityUJS1042UGC-fundedBACMBA Creative Media
CityUJS1043UGC-fundedBScCMBSc Creative Media
CityUJS1044UGC-fundedBASBAS New Media
CityUJS1051UGC-fundedSEESchool of Energy and Environment (options: BEng Energy Science and Engineering, BEng Environmental Science and Engineering)
CityUJS1052UGC-fundedBEngESE&BBAFINBachelor of Engineering in Environmental Science and Engineering and Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance
CityUJS1061UGC-fundedLLBBachelor of Laws
CityUJS1062UGC-fundedLLB&BBAACBachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Business Administration in Accountancy
CityUJS1071UGC-fundedSDSCSchool of Data Science (options: BSc Data Science, BSc Data and Systems Engineering)
CityUJS1072UGC-fundedBScDSCBSc Data Science
CityUJS1074UGC-fundedBScDSEBSc Data and Systems Engineering
CityUJS1102UGC-fundedBSocScIRGABSocSc International Relations and Global Affairs
CityUJS1103UGC-fundedBACHISBA Chinese and History
CityUJS1104UGC-fundedBAENBA English
CityUJS1106UGC-fundedCOMDepartment of Media and Communication (options: BA Digital Television and Broadcasting, BA Media and Communication)
CityUJS1108UGC-fundedBSocScPAMBSocSc Public Affairs and Management
CityUJS1109UGC-fundedBALLABA Linguistics and Language Applications
CityUJS1110UGC-fundedSSDepartment of Social and Behavioural Sciences (options: BSocSc Criminology and Sociology, BSocSc Psychology, BSocSc Social Work)
CityUJS1111UGC-fundedBSocScCRSOBSocSc Criminology and Sociology
CityUJS1112UGC-fundedBSocScPSYBSocSc Psychology
CityUJS1113UGC-fundedBSocScSWBSocSc Social Work
CityUJS1122UGC-fundedBSocScPP&LLBBachelor of Social Sciences in Public Policy and Bachelor of Laws
CityUJS1123UGC-fundedBSocScCR&LLBBachelor of Social Sciences in Criminology and Bachelor of Laws
CityUJS1200UGC-fundedGREATGlobal Research Enrichment and Technopreneurship (GREAT)
CityUJS1201UGC-fundedACEDepartment of Architecture and Civil Engineering (options: BEng Architectural Engineering, BEng Civil Engineering, BSc Architecture and Surveying)
CityUJS1202UGC-fundedBScCHEMBSc Chemistry
CityUJS1204UGC-fundedBScCSBSc Computer Science
CityUJS1205UGC-fundedEEDepartment of Electrical Engineering (options: BEng Computer and Data Engineering, BEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering, BEng Information Engineering, BEng Microelectronics Engineering)
CityUJS1206UGC-fundedBScCMBSc Computing Mathematics
CityUJS1207UGC-fundedMNEDepartment of Mechanical Engineering (options: BEng Aerospace Engineering, BEng Mechanical Engineering, BEng Nuclear and Risk Engineering)
CityUJS1208UGC-fundedBScPHYBSc Physics
CityUJS1210UGC-fundedBEngMASEBEng Materials Science and Engineering
CityUJS1211UGC-fundedBEngBMEBEng Biomedical Engineering
CityUJS1216UGC-fundedBEngITMEBEng Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering
CityUJS1217UGC-fundedPRIMEPathway for Research, Innovation, and Multinational Engineering (PRIME)
CityUJS1220UGC-fundedLLB&BScCMBachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Science in Computing Mathematics
CityUJS1221UGC-fundedBScCS&BScCFFTBachelor of Science in Computer Science and Bachelor of Science in Computational Finance and Financial Technology
CityUJS1801UGC-fundedBVMBachelor of Veterinary Medicine
CityUJS1805UGC-fundedBMSDepartment of Biomedical Sciences (options: BSc Biological Sciences, BSc Biomedical Sciences)
CityUJS1806UGC-fundedBScBISIBSc Biological Sciences
CityUJS1807UGC-fundedBScBMSBSc Biomedical Sciences

Hong Kong Baptist University

Institution / Scheme JUPAS Catalogue No. Funding Category Programme Short Name Programme Full Title
HKBUJS2020UGC-fundedBABachelor of Arts (Hons) (Chinese Language and Literature / Creative and Professional Writing / English Language and Literature / Humanities / Translation)
HKBUJS2025UGC-fundedBA(RPE)Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Religion, Philosophy and Ethics
HKBUJS2060UGC-fundedBA/BMUS(MUSIC/CI)Bachelor of Arts (Hons) / Bachelor of Music (Hons) (Music / Creative Industries)
HKBUJS2110UGC-fundedBBA(ACCT)Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) - Accounting Concentration
HKBUJS2120UGC-fundedBBABachelor of Business Administration (Hons)
HKBUJS2310UGC-fundedBCOMMBachelor of Communication (Hons) (Journalism and Digital Media / Public Relations and Advertising)
HKBUJS2330UGC-fundedBA(FTV)Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Film and Television
HKBUJS2340UGC-fundedBFA(AGS)Bachelor of Fine Arts (Hons) in Acting for Global Screen
HKBUJS2370UGC-fundedBCOMM(GDA)Bachelor of Communication (Hons) in Game Design and Animation
HKBUJS2410UGC-fundedBCM&BSc(BIOMED)Bachelor of Chinese Medicine and Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Biomedical Science
HKBUJS2420UGC-fundedBPharmBachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) in Chinese Medicine
HKBUJS2510UGC-fundedBScBachelor of Science (Hons)
HKBUJS2610UGC-fundedBA/BSocScBachelor of Arts (Hons) / Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) (European Studies [French/German Stream] / Geography/ Global and China Studies/ Government and International Studies/ History/ Sociology)
HKBUJS2620UGC-fundedBA(PERM)Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Physical Education and Recreation Management
HKBUJS2660UGC-fundedBSWBachelor of Social Work (Hons)
HKBUJS2810UGC-fundedBA(VA)Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Visual Arts
HKBUJS2910UGC-fundedBSc(BCDA)Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Business Computing and Data Analytics
HKBUJS2920UGC-fundedBASc(ARTT)Bachelor of Arts and Science (Hons) in Arts and Technology
HKBUJS2930UGC-fundedBA(BUSADMIN-GE)Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Business Administration (Global Entertainment)
HKBUJS2940UGC-fundedBSocSc/BSc(HSWB)Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) / Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Innovation in Health and Social Well-Being
HKBUJS2950UGC-fundedBAScTBachelor of Arts, Science and Technology (Hons) in Individualised Major

Lingnan University

Institution / Scheme JUPAS Catalogue No. Funding Category Programme Short Name Programme Full Title
LingnanUJS7101UGC-fundedBA (Hons) ChineseBachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese
LingnanUJS7123UGC-fundedBLA (Hons) GDSBachelor of Liberal Arts (Hons) in Global Development and Sustainability
LingnanUJS7133UGC-fundedBA (Hons) ADABachelor of Arts (Honours) in Animation and Digital Arts
LingnanUJS7200UGC-fundedBBA (Hons)Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)
LingnanUJS7204UGC-fundedBA (Hons) Trans, CS & CCBachelor of Arts (Honours) in Translation, Cross-cultural Studies, and Corporate Communication
LingnanUJS7216UGC-fundedBBA (Hons) - RIMBachelor of Business Administration (Honours) - Risk and Insurance Management
LingnanUJS7225UGC-fundedBSc (Hons) Data ScienceBachelor of Science (Honours) in Data Science
LingnanUJS7301UGC-fundedBSocSc (Hons) EconomicsBachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) - Economics
LingnanUJS7302UGC-fundedBSocSc (Hons) Gov't & IABachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) - Government and International Affairs
LingnanUJS7303UGC-fundedBSocSc (Hons) PsychologyBachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) - Psychology
LingnanUJS7304UGC-fundedBSocSc (Hons) SociologyBachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) - Sociology
LingnanUJS7305UGC-fundedBSocSc (Hons) HSSMBachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) - Health and Social Services Management
LingnanUJS7306UGC-fundedBSocSc (Hons) SPPSBachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) - Social and Public Policy Studies
LingnanUJS7503UGC-fundedBA (Hons) Contem EnglishBachelor of Arts (Honours) in Contemporary English Studies
LingnanUJS7606UGC-fundedBA (Hons) Cultural StudBachelor of Arts (Honours) in Cultural Studies
LingnanUJS7709UGC-fundedBA (Hons) HistoryBachelor of Arts (Honours) in History
LingnanUJS7802UGC-fundedBA (Hons) PhilosophyBachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy
LingnanUJS7905UGC-fundedBA (Hons) Film& Vis.ArtsBachelor of Arts (Honours) in Film and Visual Arts*

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Institution / Scheme JUPAS Catalogue No. Funding Category Programme Short Name Programme Full Title
CUHKJS4018UGC-fundedCHI LANG & LITChinese Language and Literature
CUHKJS4020UGC-fundedCULTURAL STUDIESCultural Studies
CUHKJS4022UGC-fundedCULTURAL MANAGEMENTCultural Management
CUHKJS4044UGC-fundedFINE ARTSFine Arts
CUHKJS4068UGC-fundedJAPANESE STUDIESJapanese Studies
CUHKJS4109UGC-fundedRELIGIONReligious Studies
CUHKJS4136UGC-fundedCHINESE STUDIESChinese Studies
CUHKJS4202UGC-fundedINTEGRATED BBAIntegrated Bachelor of Business Administration Programme
CUHKJS4214UGC-fundedGBSGlobal Business Studies
CUHKJS4226UGC-fundedHOSP & REAL ESTHospitality and Real Estate
CUHKJS4238UGC-fundedIFAAInsurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis
CUHKJS4240UGC-fundedPROF ACCOUNTANCYProfessional Accountancy
CUHKJS4252UGC-fundedQFINQuantitative Finance
CUHKJS4254UGC-fundedGLEFInterdisciplinary Major Programme in Global Economics and Finance
CUHKJS4264UGC-fundedBBA-JDBachelor of Business Administration (Integrated BBA Programme) and Juris Doctor Double Degree Programme
CUHKJS4276UGC-fundedQFRMQuantitative Finance and Risk Management Science
CUHKJS4329UGC-fundedPHY ED, EX SCI & HEALTHPhysical Education, Exercise Science and Health
CUHKJS4331UGC-fundedBA (CHI) BEd (CHI EDU)B.A. (Chinese Language Studies) and B.Ed. (Chinese Language Education)
CUHKJS4343UGC-fundedBA (ENG) BEd (ENG EDU)B.A. (English Studies) and B.Ed. (English Language Education)
CUHKJS4361UGC-fundedMATHS EDUCATIONB.Ed. in Mathematics and Mathematics Education
CUHKJS4372UGC-fundedBEd (ECE)B.Ed. in Early Childhood Education
CUHKJS4386UGC-fundedLEARNING DESIGN AND TECHB.Sc. in Learning Design and Technology
CUHKJS4408UGC-fundedMAEGMechanical and Automation Engineering
CUHKJS4412UGC-fundedCOMPUTER SCI & ENGComputer Science and Engineering
CUHKJS4416UGC-fundedCDASComputational Data Science
CUHKJS4428UGC-fundedBENG FINTECHBEng in Financial Technology
CUHKJS4434UGC-fundedELEGBEng in Electronic Engineering
CUHKJS4446UGC-fundedIERGNInformation Engineering
CUHKJS4458UGC-fundedSEEMSystems Engineering and Engineering Management
CUHKJS4460UGC-fundedBMEGBEng in Biomedical Engineering
CUHKJS4462UGC-fundedEEENBEng in Energy and Environmental Engineering
CUHKJS4468UGC-fundedAISTBEng in Artificial Intelligence: Systems and Technologies
CUHKJS4501UGC-fundedMBChBMedicine (MBChB) Programme
CUHKJS4502UGC-fundedMBChB-GPSMedicine (MBChB) Programme Global Physician-Leadership Stream (GPS)
CUHKJS4537UGC-fundedPUBLIC HEALTHPublic Health
CUHKJS4542UGC-fundedCHIN MEDICINEChinese Medicine
CUHKJS4550UGC-fundedBIOMEDICAL SCIENCESBiomedical Sciences
CUHKJS4648UGC-fundedEESCEarth and Environmental Sciences
CUHKJS4682UGC-fundedENRICHMENT MATHEMATICSEnrichment Mathematics
CUHKJS4690UGC-fundedTHEORETICAL PHYSICSEnrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics
CUHKJS4719UGC-fundedRISK MGT SCIRisk Management Science
CUHKJS4725UGC-fundedBEHMBiotechnology, Entrepreneurship and Healthcare Management
CUHKJS4733UGC-fundedMIEGNMathematics and Information Engineering
CUHKJS4750UGC-fundedASEIDMBachelor of Science in Aerospace Science and Earth Informatics + X (ASEI+X) Double Major Programme
CUHKJS4760UGC-fundedIDADMBachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Data Analytics and X Double Major Programme
CUHKJS4801UGC-fundedSOCIAL SCIENCESocial Science
CUHKJS4812UGC-fundedARCHITECTUREArchitectural Studies
CUHKJS4836UGC-fundedGEO & RES MGTGeography and Resource Management
CUHKJS4838UGC-fundedURBAN STUDIESUrban Studies
CUHKJS4848UGC-fundedGOV'T & PUBLIC ADMINGovernment and Public Administration
CUHKJS4850UGC-fundedJOURNALISM & COMMUNJournalism and Communication
CUHKJS4858UGC-fundedGLOBAL COMMGlobal Communication
CUHKJS4874UGC-fundedSOCIAL WORKSocial Work
CUHKJS4892UGC-fundedGLOBAL STUDIESGlobal Studies
CUHKJS4893UGC-fundedDSPSData Science and Policy Studies
CUHKJS4903UGC-fundedLLBBachelor of Laws

The Education University of Hong Kong

Institution / Scheme JUPAS Catalogue No. Funding Category Programme Short Name Programme Full Title
EdUHKJS8105UGC-fundedBEd(CHI)Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Chinese Language)
EdUHKJS8222UGC-fundedBEd(ENG)-PriBachelor of Education (Honours) (English Language) - Primary
EdUHKJS8234UGC-fundedBEd(P)-GS(H&S)Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Primary) - General Studies (Humanities and Science)
EdUHKJS8246UGC-fundedBEd(P)-MABachelor of Education (Honours) (Primary) - Mathematics
EdUHKJS8325UGC-fundedBEd(PE)Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Physical Education)
EdUHKJS8361UGC-fundedBEd(S)-ICTBachelor of Education (Honours) (Secondary) - Information and Communication Technology
EdUHKJS8371UGC-fundedBEd(BAFS)Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Business, Accounting and Financial Studies)
EdUHKJS8381UGC-fundedBEd(HIST)Bachelor of Education (Honours) (History)
EdUHKJS8404UGC-fundedBEd(ECE)Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Early Childhood Education)
EdUHKJS8428UGC-fundedBEd(GEOG)Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Geography)
EdUHKJS8430UGC-fundedBEd(Science)Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Science)
EdUHKJS8507UGC-fundedHD(ECE)Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education
EdUHKJS8600UGC-fundedBA(Lang Studies)-CNBachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies (Chinese Major)
EdUHKJS8612UGC-fundedBA(Lang Studies)-EGBachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies (English Major)
EdUHKJS8636UGC-fundedBA(CAC)-MUBachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture (Music)
EdUHKJS8648UGC-fundedBA(CAC)-VABachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture (Visual Arts)
EdUHKJS8651UGC-fundedBSocSc(Psy)Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Psychology
EdUHKJS8663UGC-fundedBA(SE)Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Special Education
EdUHKJS8675UGC-fundedBA(ESDC)Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Studies and Digital Communication
EdUHKJS8687UGC-fundedBA(HE&AM)Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Heritage Education and Arts Management
EdUHKJS8702UGC-fundedBSc(IEM)Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Integrated Environmental Management
EdUHKJS8714UGC-fundedBSc(AI&EdTech)Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Artificial Intelligence and Educational Technology
EdUHKJS8726UGC-fundedBSc(SPSC)Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Sports Science and Coaching
EdUHKJS8801UGC-fundedBA(CAC) & BEd(MU)Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Music) Co-terminal Double Degree Programme
EdUHKJS8813UGC-fundedBA(CAC) & BEd(VA)Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Visual Arts) Co-terminal Double Degree Programme
EdUHKJS8825UGC-fundedBA(Lang Studies)&BEd(EL)Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (English Language) Co-terminal Double Degree Programme

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Institution / Scheme JUPAS Catalogue No. Funding Category Programme Short Name Programme Full Title
PolyUJS3011UGC-fundedBIOTECH & CHEM TECHBSc (Hons) Scheme in Biotechnology and Chemical Technology
PolyUJS3020UGC-fundedDATA SCIBSc (Hons) Scheme in Data Science (Data Science and Analytics / Investment Science and Finance Analytics)
PolyUJS3030UGC-fundedPHYSICSBSc (Hons) in Physics with a Secondary Major in Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics (AIDA) / Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IE)
PolyUJS3050UGC-fundedFASHIONBA (Hons) Scheme in Fashion (Fashion Design / Knitwear Design / Contour Fashion and Activewear / Fashion Business / Fashion Innovation and Technology)
PolyUJS3060UGC-fundedACCT & FINANCEBBA (Hons) Scheme in Accounting and Finance (Accountancy / Accounting and Finance / Digital Finance and Investment)
PolyUJS3070UGC-fundedGBL,AVIAT,MARI & SC MGTBBA (Hons) Scheme in Global Business and Logistics, Aviation, Maritime, and Supply Chain Management
PolyUJS3080UGC-fundedMGT & MARKETINGBBA (Hons) Scheme in Management and Marketing (Management / Marketing)
PolyUJS3100UGC-fundedBLDG & REAL ESTATEBSc (Hons) Scheme in Building and Real Estate (Building Engineering and Management / Property Management / Surveying)
PolyUJS3110UGC-fundedBLDG SCI & ENGGBEng (Hons) Scheme in Building Sciences and Engineering
PolyUJS3120UGC-fundedCIVIL ENGG & SUS DEVELOPBEng (Hons) Scheme in Civil Engineering and Sustainable Development
PolyUJS3130UGC-fundedSPAT DATA & SMART CITIESBSc (Hons) Scheme in Spatial Data Science and Smart Cities (Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics / Urban Informatics and Smart Cities)
PolyUJS3140UGC-fundedAVIATION ENGGBEng (Hons) Scheme in Aviation Engineering (Aviation Engineering / Air Transport Engineering)
PolyUJS3150UGC-fundedBIOMEDICAL ENGGBSc (Hons) Scheme in Biomedical Engineering
PolyUJS3170UGC-fundedELECTRICAL ENGGBEng (Hons) Scheme in Electrical Engineering (Electrical Engineering / Transportation Systems Engineering)
PolyUJS3180UGC-fundedINFO & AI ENGGBEng (Hons)/BSc (Hons) Scheme in Information and Artificial Intelligence Engineering (Internet-of-Things / Artificial Intelligence / Information Security)
PolyUJS3240UGC-fundedENGL & APP LINGUISTICSBA (Hons) Scheme in English and Applied Linguistics
PolyUJS3250UGC-fundedAPPLIED SOC SCIBA (Hons) Scheme in Applied Social Sciences (Social Work / Social Policy and Social Entrepreneurship)
PolyUJS3290UGC-fundedOPTOMETRYBSc (Hons) Scheme in Optometry
PolyUJS3310UGC-fundedHOTEL & TOURISM MGTBSc (Hons) Scheme in Hotel and Tourism Management (Hotel Management / Smart Tourism and Hospitality / Event and Experience Management)
PolyUJS3320UGC-fundedCHI HISTORY & CULTUREBA (Hons) Scheme in Chinese History and Culture
PolyUJS3330UGC-fundedLANG SCI, TRANSLAT, & STBA (Hons)/BSc (Hons) Scheme in Language Sciences, Translation, and Speech Therapy (Linguistics and Translation / Language Sciences and Analytics / Speech Therapy)
PolyUJS3337UGC-fundedMENTAL HEALTH NURSINGBSc (Hons) Scheme in Nursing - BSc (Hons) in Mental Health Nursing
PolyUJS3478UGC-fundedMED LAB SCIBSc (Hons) Scheme in Medical Laboratory Science and Radiography - BSc (Hons) in Medical Laboratory Science
PolyUJS3557UGC-fundedPROD & INDUSTRIAL ENGGBEng (Hons) Scheme in Product and Industrial Engineering (Product Engineering with Marketing / Industrial and Systems Engineering)
PolyUJS3569UGC-fundedDESIGNBA (Hons) Scheme in Design (Advertising Design / Environmental Design / Information Design / Interaction Design / Interior Design / Media Design / Product Design / Service Design / Social Design)
PolyUJS3571UGC-fundedLOG & ENTERPRISE ENGGBSc (Hons) Scheme in Logistics and Enterprise Engineering (Logistics Engineering with Management / Enterprise Engineering with Management)
PolyUJS3612UGC-fundedRADIOGRAPHYBSc (Hons) Scheme in Medical Laboratory Science and Radiography - BSc (Hons) in Radiography
PolyUJS3624UGC-fundedOCCUPATIONAL THERAPYBSc (Hons) Scheme in Rehabilitation Sciences - BSc (Hons) in Occupational Therapy
PolyUJS3636UGC-fundedPHYSIOTHERAPYBSc (Hons) Scheme in Rehabilitation Sciences - BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy
PolyUJS3648UGC-fundedNURSINGBSc (Hons) Scheme in Nursing - BSc (Hons) in Nursing
PolyUJS3741UGC-fundedMECHANICAL ENGGBEng (Hons) Scheme in Mechanical Engineering (Mechanical Engineering / Product Analysis and Engineering Design)
PolyUJS3868UGC-fundedCOMPUTING & AIBSc (Hons) Scheme in Computing and AI (Computer Science / Financial Technology and Artificial Intelligence / Enterprise Information Systems)
PolyUJS3910UGC-fundedFOOD SAFETY & TECHBSc (Hons) Scheme in Food Safety and Technology

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Institution / Scheme JUPAS Catalogue No. Funding Category Programme Short Name Programme Full Title
HKUSTJS5101UGC-fundedIREInternational Research Enrichment
HKUSTJS5102UGC-fundedSSCI-AScience (Group A)
HKUSTJS5103UGC-fundedSSCI-BScience (Group B)
HKUSTJS5181UGC-fundedSSCI-A (AI)Science (Group A) with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence
HKUSTJS5282UGC-fundedENGG+AIEngineering with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence
HKUSTJS5300UGC-fundedB&MBusiness and Management
HKUSTJS5311UGC-fundedECONBBA in Economics
HKUSTJS5312UGC-fundedFINABBA in Finance
HKUSTJS5313UGC-fundedGBUSBBA in Global Business
HKUSTJS5314UGC-fundedISBBA in Information Systems
HKUSTJS5315UGC-fundedMGMTBBA in Management
HKUSTJS5316UGC-fundedMARKBBA in Marketing
HKUSTJS5317UGC-fundedOMBBA in Operations Management
HKUSTJS5318UGC-fundedACCTBBA in Professional Accounting
HKUSTJS5331UGC-fundedECOFBSc in Economics and Finance
HKUSTJS5332UGC-fundedQFINBSc in Quantitative Finance
HKUSTJS5411UGC-fundedGCSBSc in Global China Studies
HKUSTJS5412UGC-fundedQSABSc in Quantitative Social Analysis
HKUSTJS5711UGC-fundedISDNBSc in Integrative Systems and Design
HKUSTJS5811UGC-fundedBIBUBSc in Biotechnology and Business
HKUSTJS5812UGC-fundedEVMTBSc in Environmental Management and Technology
HKUSTJS5813UGC-fundedMAECBSc in Mathematics and Economics
HKUSTJS5814UGC-fundedRMBIBSc in Risk Management and Business Intelligence
HKUSTJS5822UGC-fundedSGFNBSc in Sustainable and Green Finance
HKUSTJS5901UGC-fundedT&M-DDPBEng/BSc & BBA Dual Degree Program in Technology & Management

The University of Hong Kong

Institution / Scheme JUPAS Catalogue No. Funding Category Programme Short Name Programme Full Title
HKUJS6004UGC-fundedBA(AS)Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies
HKUJS6016UGC-fundedBSc(Surv)Bachelor of Science in Surveying
HKUJS6028UGC-fundedBA(LS)Bachelor of Arts in Landscape Studies
HKUJS6042UGC-fundedBA(US)Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies
HKUJS6054UGC-fundedBABachelor of Arts
HKUJS6066UGC-fundedBA&BEd(LangEd)-EngBachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education - English (double degree)
HKUJS6078UGC-fundedBA&LLBBachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws (double degree)
HKUJS6080UGC-fundedBA&BEd(LangEd)-ChinBachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education - Chinese (double degree)
HKUJS6092UGC-fundedBEd(ECE&SE)Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education and Special Education
HKUJS6107UGC-fundedBDSBachelor of Dental Surgery
HKUJS6119UGC-fundedBEd&BScBachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science (double degree)
HKUJS6157UGC-fundedBSc(SLP)Bachelor of Science in Speech-Language Pathology
HKUJS6212UGC-fundedBAScBachelor of Arts and Sciences
HKUJS6224UGC-fundedBASc(AppliedAI)Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Applied Artificial Intelligence
HKUJS6236UGC-fundedBASc(Design+)Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Design+
HKUJS6248UGC-fundedBASc(FinTech)Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Financial Technology
HKUJS6250UGC-fundedBASc(GHD)Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Global Health and Development
HKUJS6262UGC-fundedBEng(DS&E)Bachelor of Engineering in Data Science and Engineering
HKUJS6286UGC-fundedBA(HDT)Bachelor of Arts in Humanities and Digital Technologies
HKUJS6406UGC-fundedLLBBachelor of Laws
HKUJS6418UGC-fundedBNurs-ALTBachelor of Nursing Advanced Leadership Track
HKUJS6456UGC-fundedMBBSBachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
HKUJS6468UGC-fundedBNursBachelor of Nursing
HKUJS6470UGC-fundedBSc(Bioinformatics)Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics
HKUJS6482UGC-fundedBChinMedBachelor of Chinese Medicine
HKUJS6494UGC-fundedBPharmBachelor of Pharmacy
HKUJS6688UGC-fundedSMCScience Master Class (double degree)
HKUJS6705UGC-fundedBPsychBachelor of Psychology
HKUJS6717UGC-fundedBSSBachelor of Social Sciences
HKUJS6729UGC-fundedBSc(Ac)Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science
HKUJS6731UGC-fundedBSWBachelor of Social Work
HKUJS6755UGC-fundedBBABachelor of Business Administration
HKUJS6767UGC-fundedBEcon/BEcon&FinBachelor of Economics / Bachelor of Economics and Finance
HKUJS6781UGC-fundedBBA(Acc&Fin)/BBA(ADA)Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance / Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting Data Analytics
HKUJS6793UGC-fundedBBA(BA)Bachelor of Business Administration (Business Analytics)
HKUJS6808UGC-fundedBBA(Law)&LLBBachelor of Business Administration (Law) and Bachelor of Laws (double degree)
HKUJS6810UGC-fundedBSS(GL)&LLBBachelor of Social Sciences (Government and Laws) and Bachelor of Laws (double degree)
HKUJS6822UGC-fundedBJBachelor of Journalism
HKUJS6846UGC-fundedBSc(MAT)Bachelor of Science in Marketing Analytics and Technology
HKUJS6858UGC-fundedBSc&LLBBachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws (double degree)
HKUJS6860UGC-fundedBFin(AMPB)Bachelor of Finance in Asset Management and Private Banking
HKUJS6884UGC-fundedBSc(QFin)Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finance
HKUJS6896UGC-fundedBBA(IBGM)Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business and Global Management
HKUJS6901UGC-fundedBScBachelor of Science
HKUJS6925UGC-fundedBEng(BmE)Bachelor of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering
HKUJS6937UGC-fundedGEBPGlobal Engineering and Business Programme (double degree)
HKUJS6949UGC-fundedBBiomedScBachelor of Biomedical Sciences
HKUJS6951UGC-fundedBEng(EngSc)Bachelor of Engineering in Engineering Science
HKUJS6963UGC-fundedBEngBachelor of Engineering

Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Institution / Scheme JUPAS Catalogue No. Funding Category Programme Short Name Programme Full Title
HKMUJS9009Self-financingBSSc(Hons)Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours
HKMUJS9010Self-financingBSSc(Hons)PsychologyBachelor of Social Sciences with Honours in Psychology
HKMUJS9011Self-financingBA(Hons)ChineseBachelor of Arts with Honours in Chinese
HKMUJS9013Self-financingBA(Hons) LangStud & TranBachelor of Arts with Honours in Language Studies and Translation
HKMUJS9016Self-financingBA(Hons)CreAd&MediaDesigBachelor of Arts with Honours in Creative Advertising and Media Design
HKMUJS9019Self-financingBA(Hons) EngLang&CultBachelor of Arts with Honours in English Language and Culture
HKMUJS9220Self-financingBBA(Hons)Pro AcctBachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Professional Accounting
HKMUJS9223Self-financingBBA(Hons)AviServMgtBachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Aviation Services Management
HKMUJS9230Self-financingBBA(Hons)Business MgtBachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Business Management
HKMUJS9240Self-financingBBA(Hons)Glbl BusBachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Global Business
HKMUJS9262Self-financingBBA(Hons)HRMBachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Human Resource Management
HKMUJS9266Self-financingBBA(Hons)MktBachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Marketing
HKMUJS9280Self-financingBAPH & BBMHBachelor of Applied Psychology with Honours, Bachelor of Business Management with Honours
HKMUJS9291Self-financingBBA(Hons)SusTour&HosMgtBachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality Management
HKMUJS9294Self-financingBBA(Hons)eSports MgtBachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Sports and eSports Management
HKMUJS9520Self-financingBEd&BLang(Hons)PutonghuaBachelor of Education with Honours (Putonghua and Chinese Language Education) and Bachelor of Language Studies with Honours (Chinese Linguistic Studies)
HKMUJS9530Self-financingBEd(Hons)&BEngLang(Hons)Bachelor of Education with Honours in English Language Teaching and Bachelor of English Language Studies with Honours
HKMUJS9540Self-financingBEng Lang (Hons)Bachelor of English Language Studies with Honours
HKMUJS9550Self-financingBLang(Hons) Applied ChinBachelor of Language Studies with Honours (Applied Chinese Language Studies)
HKMUJS9560Self-financingBEd(Hons)&BLang(Hons)ChiBachelor of Education with Honours (Chinese Language Teaching) and Bachelor of Language Studies with Honours (Applied Chinese Language Studies)
HKMUJS9580Self-financingBEd(Hons)ECE-Leader&SENBachelor of Education with Honours in Early Childhood Education (Leadership and Special Educational Needs)
HKMUJS9719Self-financingBSc(Hons) Cyber&ComSecyBachelor of Science with Honours in Cyber and Computer Security
HKMUJS9720Self-financingBEng(Hons)Elec & CompEngBachelor of Engineering with Honours in Electronic and Computer Engineering
HKMUJS9731Self-financingBSc(Hons)EnvSci&GreenMgtBachelor of Science with Honours in Environmental Science and Green Management
HKMUJS9732Self-financingBSc(Hons)BioMed&BioTechBachelor of Science with Honours in Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology
HKMUJS9733Self-financingBSc(Hons)Science(STEAM)Bachelor of Science with Honours in Science (STEAM)

Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions / Sectors

Institution / Scheme JUPAS Catalogue No. Funding Category Programme Short Name Programme Full Title
SSSDPJSSA01SSSDPBN (Hons)Offered by SFU: Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)
SSSDPJSSA02SSSDPBSDET (Hons)Offered by SFU: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Digital Entertainment Technology
SSSDPJSSA03SSSDPBSPT (Hons)Offered by SFU: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy
SSSDPJSSA04SSSDPBSAI (Hons)Offered by SFU: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Artificial Intelligence
SSSDPJSSA05SSSDPBATT (Hons)Offered by SFU: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Translation Technology
SSSDPJSSA06SSSDPBBA-AHTMOffered by SFU: Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Applied Hotel and Tourism Management
SSSDPJSSC02SSSDPB.Sc (Hons) in ArchOffered by HKCHC: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Architecture
SSSDPJSSH01SSSDPBBA-SCMOffered by HSUHK: Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Supply Chain Management
SSSDPJSSH02SSSDPBSc-AINOffered by HSUHK: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Actuarial Studies and Insurance
SSSDPJSSH03SSSDPBSc-ACOffered by HSUHK: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Computing
SSSDPJSSH04SSSDPBSc-DSBIOffered by HSUHK: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Data Science and Business Intelligence
SSSDPJSSH05SSSDPBMSIMOffered by HSUHK: Bachelor of Management Science and Information Management (Honours)
SSSDPJSSH06SSSDPBA-ADOffered by HSUHK: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Art and Design
SSSDPJSST01SSSDPBHSc(N)Offered by TWC: Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) in Nursing
SSSDPJSST02SSSDPBSc(MLSc)Offered by TWC: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Medical Laboratory Science
SSSDPJSST03SSSDPBSc(RT)Offered by TWC: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Radiation Therapy
SSSDPJSST04SSSDPBSc(OT)Offered by TWC: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Occupational Therapy
SSSDPJSST05SSSDPBSc(PT)Offered by TWC: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy
SSSDPJSST06SSSDPBSc(AG)Offered by TWC: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Gerontology
SSSDPJSST07SSSDPBHISMOffered by TWC: Bachelor of Health Information and Services Management (Honours)
SSSDPJSSU12SSSDPBA(Hons)CreaWri&FilmArtsOffered by HKMU: Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Creative Writing and Film Arts
SSSDPJSSU14SSSDPBFA(Hons)AnimatVisEffOffered by HKMU: Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours in Animation and Visual Effects
SSSDPJSSU15SSSDPBFA(Hons)IDDAOffered by HKMU: Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours in Imaging Design and Digital Art
SSSDPJSSU18SSSDPBA(Hons)NewMusic&EnterOffered by HKMU: Bachelor of Arts with Honours in New Music and Interactive Entertainment
SSSDPJSSU40SSSDPBNursing(Hons)GeneralOffered by HKMU: Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in General Health Care
SSSDPJSSU50SSSDPBNursing(Hons)MentalOffered by HKMU: Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in Mental Health Care
SSSDPJSSU55SSSDPBSc(Hons)PhysiotherapyOffered by HKMU: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Physiotherapy
SSSDPJSSU61SSSDPBASc(Hons)IntTestInsCertOffered by HKMU: Bachelor of Applied Science with Honours in Integrated Testing, Inspection and Certification
SSSDPJSSU67SSSDPBSc(Hons)MedLabSciOffered by HKMU: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Medical Laboratory Science
SSSDPJSSU68SSSDPBSc(Hons)AnalyTestSciOffered by HKMU: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Analytical Testing Science
SSSDPJSSU69SSSDPBSc(Hons)FoodTestSciOffered by HKMU: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Food Testing Science
SSSDPJSSU70SSSDPBSc (Hons) Data Sci & AIOffered by HKMU: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
SSSDPJSSU72SSSDPBSc (Hons)CompSciOffered by HKMU: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Computer Science
SSSDPJSSU77SSSDPBSc(Hons)CMQSurveyingOffered by HKMU: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Construction Management and Quantity Surveying
SSSDPJSSU78SSSDPBEng(Hons)BSE&SustainDevOffered by HKMU: Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Building Services Engineering and Sustainable Development
SSSDPJSSU79SSSDPBEng(Hons)Civil EngOffered by HKMU: Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Civil Engineering
SSSDPJSSU90SSSDPBBA(Hons)Hos&AttractMgtOffered by HKMU: Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in International Hospitality and Attractions Management
SSSDPJSSU95SSSDPBBA(Hons)Sports&RecMgtOffered by HKMU: Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Sports and Recreation Management
SSSDPJSSU96SSSDPBBA(Hons)Fin&FinTechOffered by HKMU: Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Finance and Financial Technology
SSSDPJSSU97SSSDPBBA(Hons)GM & SCMOffered by HKMU: Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Global Marketing and Supply Chain Management
SSSDPJSSV01SSSDPBA(FD)Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Fashion Design
SSSDPJSSV02SSSDPBA(PD)Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Product Design
SSSDPJSSV03SSSDPBA(LA)Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Landscape Architecture
SSSDPJSSV04SSSDPBA(CAM)Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Culinary Arts and Management
SSSDPJSSV05SSSDPBEng(CE)Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Civil Engineering
SSSDPJSSV07SSSDPBSc(HALM)Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Horticulture, Arboriculture and Landscape Management
SSSDPJSSV08SSSDPBSc(SUR)Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Surveying
SSSDPJSSV09SSSDPBSocSc(SRM)Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Sports and Recreation Management
SSSDPJSSV10SSSDPBEng(BSE)Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Building Services Engineering
SSSDPJSSW01SSSDPBAvOMOffered by UOWCHK: Bachelor of Aviation (Honours) in Operations and Management
SSSDPJSSW02SSSDPBMSOMOffered by UOWCHK: Bachelor of Maritime Services and Operations Management (Honours)
SSSDPJSSY01SSSDPBCom (Hons) FinTechOffered by HKSYU: Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Financial Technology