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Important Notices

Actual Priority of Programme Choices

The 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and the SSSDP institutions have NO ACCESS to individual applicants' actual priority of programme choices until after the announcement of the Main Round offer results.

For further details, please refer to the section on Actual Priority of Programme Choices.

Agreement among the 9 JUPAS Participating-institutions and the SSSDP Institutions on Modification of Programme Choices

To ensure that JUPAS remains a fair and objective system for applicants, the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and the SSSDP institutions will NEVER offer official advice in relation to programme selection (including interviews, telephone or electronic communication, programme counselling, formal / informal contacts with applicants, etc.) within the period between the release of the HKDSE Examination results and the deadline of modification of programme choices (i.e. 16 July – 19 July 2025*), regardless of who initiates the approach.

All enquiries in relation to the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions' and the SSSDP institutions' programme information should be directed to the respective institutions on or BEFORE 15 July 2025*.

For further details, please refer to the section on Programmes Offered.

Special Considerations

The 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and the SSSDP institutions will NOT enter into private deals (including verbal or written, or conditional offers, etc.) with applicants at any time of the entire JUPAS exercise.

Notwithstanding the above, special considerations may be given to Applicants with Disabilities.  Such applicants may receive offers as a result of the special considerations given by the JUPAS participating-institutions or the SSSDP institutions.

Conditional offers, where applicable, may also be made but will be confined to the following:

  1. Other Experiences and Achievements in Competitions / Activities (OEA);

  2. School Principal's Nominations (SPN);

  3. Outstanding Sportsmen / Athletes Admission / Recommendation / Nomination Scheme (Run by individual institutions.  Applicants should apply directly to the respective institutions.); and

  4. Applied Degree Programmes (Applicants should submit their supporting documents for admission, if applicable, directly to the respective SSSDP institutions for programmes: JSSA01, JSSA06, JSST06, JSST07, JSSU61, JSSU95JSSV07 and / or JSSV10.)

The 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and the SSSDP institutions may give feedback on interviews for some programmes to applicants.  These however DO NOT constitute or entail a conditional offer.

Selection Criteria

In determining applicants' positions in the respective merit order lists, institutions' programmes will consider NOT ONLY the HKDSE Examination results, but also other aspects (e.g. performance in interviews and / or assessments, banding of programme choices, HKDSE Examination results of other applicants in the same year, the number of applicants applying to the programme, other information provided by applicants in the online application forms, etc.).

Admission to the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and the SSSDP institutions is on a competitive basis, since the number of places available is normally far less than the number of eligible applicants.  In this regard, satisfying the minimum entrance requirements of the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions or the SSSDP institutions, and their respective programmes does not guarantee admission.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Determination of applicants' suitability for admission is entirely the decisions of the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and the SSSDP institutions, and is independent of the JUPAS Office.  Enquiries on the institutions' decisions should be directed to the institutions concerned.

For further details, please refer to the section on Iteration Process.

Rechecking and Remarking of HKDSE Examination Results

Applicants submitting requests for reconsideration of application based on upgraded HKDSE Examination results on subject levels / grades after rechecking and remarking (RR results) can be assured that they will NOT be disadvantaged in any respect if they can fulfil all the necessary entrance requirements of the programmes concerned.  If their new positions on the respective merit order lists (taking into account applicants' RR results, banding of programme choices, interview performance, if applicable, and other aspects) are higher than the Main Round cut-off points (i.e. the last applicant admitted) of the programmes concerned, they will be offered admission to the programmes concerned, regardless of whether the quotas of those programmes have already been filled.

For further details, please refer to the section on Rechecking and Remarking of HKDSE Examination Results.

Information on JUPAS

The JUPAS website ( and Online Application System User Guide for Applicants (Applicants' User Guide) are the only official publications of JUPAS.  Any platforms that claim to represent JUPAS are, unless officially recognised by JUPAS, unofficial and do not represent the JUPAS's views or policies.  JUPAS cautions that these platforms may contain outdated, inaccurate or false information.  JUPAS excludes any responsibility in connection with these platforms.

Applicants should access further information only on the individual JUPAS participating-institutions and the individual SSSDP institutions, and their programme information on their respective official websites.

For further details, please refer to the sections on Important Alert and Contact Information.

JUPAS Online Application System

  • Applicants should log in to their JUPAS accounts periodically to check information released by the JUPAS Office, the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and the SSSDP institutions in their message boxes.

  • For security reasons, the login session will be automatically terminated if there is no activity detected for 30 minutes since applicants have logged in to their JUPAS accounts.  Upon expiry, the applicants will be required to log in to their JUPAS accounts again should they wish to continue using the JUPAS online application system.

  • The JUPAS online application system will NOT be able to detect that applicants are entering their information if they fail to save the information by clicking the "Submit" button.  Without clicking the "Submit" button, the session will be regarded as no activity.  Applicants are therefore strongly advised to save the information entered from time to time.  Saving information will trigger and restart the countdown of the 30-minute time-out period.

  • The JUPAS online application system ONLY supports single login.  Applicants should refrain from logging in to their JUPAS accounts with multiple devices and / or browsers simultaneously to ensure data integrity.

  • Applicants are strongly advised to ensure the stability of the internet connection while making updates to their application in the JUPAS online application system to prevent any loss of data.

  • The JUPAS online application system will be temporarily unavailable during 3:00 am – 6:00 am daily for system maintenance.

Security for JUPAS Accounts

For security reasons, applicants

  • SHOULD keep their login names and passwords CONFIDENTIAL;

  • SHOULD change their passwords regularly;

  • SHOULD verify identity by Multi-factor authentication (MFA) to log in to their JUPAS accounts.  A one-time password will be sent to applicants' registered email accounts when logging in;

  • SHOULD log out from their JUPAS accounts after they have finished using the JUPAS online application system;

  • SHOULD NOT record their login names and / or passwords in any format.  If applicants must record them, keep them separate and in a safe place which only applicants themselves can access;

  • SHOULD NOT use personal information, in particular HKID card number, initials of their names or their schools' names as their passwords which can be easily deciphered; and

  • SHOULD NOT leave their electronic devices unattended while updating information and / or programme choices.

Please note that the JUPAS Office

  • will NOT release applicants' data to unauthorised third parties;

  • will NEVER ask applicants for their login names and / or passwords in an unsolicited phone call, email, SMS or any form of communication.  Applicants are reminded NOT to respond to any message that requests for them; and

  • will NEVER request any information via embedded URLs in emails, SMS and websites.  All information should ONLY be uploaded / updated via their JUPAS accounts.

Communication Channels

The JUPAS Office, the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and the SSSDP institutions will contact applicants via one or more of the following channels:

  1. phone (home and mobile);

  2. personal email#^;

  3. SMS^;

  4. mail; or

  5. message box in applicant's JUPAS account.

Applicants should therefore ensure that their contact information (such as email addresses, phone numbers and mailing addresses, etc.) is up to date and correct, as this facilitates them to receive important messages and correspondence from the JUPAS Office, the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and the SSSDP institutions.

It is the sole responsibility of the applicants to regularly check all information from, and messages sent by, the JUPAS Office, the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and the SSSDP institutions by post, via phone, the JUPAS online application system or email and / or SMS.  If they fail to do so, they will miss important information.  The JUPAS Office will not notify applicants of unread messages.

Since important messages and correspondence from the JUPAS Office, the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and the SSSDP institutions will be sent via applicants' mobile phone numbers and / or mailing addresses, applicants SHOULD NEVER share their mobile phone numbers or mailing addresses with other applicants in order to protect any information related to their JUPAS applications.

As email is one of the channels that the JUPAS Office, the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and the SSSDP institutions will use to contact applicants, applicants must ensure that the setting of their personal email accounts will not filter out or place such correspondence in the trash / junk / spam folders.

^ Emails and SMS are delivered via third party network providers and therefore the JUPAS Office is not responsible for any delay, loss, transfer, amendment or damage arising from the transmission process via third party network providers.

Should there be any discrepancies between information contained in emails and SMS and applicants' JUPAS accounts, the information contained in the latter (i.e. the JUPAS accounts) shall prevail.

Applicants are strongly advised to log in to their JUPAS accounts to double-check the related information.

 SMS will be sent with the Registered SMS Sender ID of #JUPAS to a valid Hong Kong mobile phone number.  SMS to a Mainland mobile phone number will begin with 【JUPAS】. 

Local / Non-local Students

According to the Education Bureau (EDB), for the purpose of admission to post-secondary programmes, definition of local and non-local students is listed here.

For Applicants Who Belong to Categories LS2, LS4 – 9

Applicants who belong to Categories LS2, LS4 – 9 in accordance with EDB's Definition of Local Students are defined as local applicants.

Such applicants are required to provide a valid identity documents proving they are local students / applicants (valid identity documents) when they create their JUPAS accounts.  They are advised to create JUPAS accounts ahead of the deadline as JUPAS Office need additional time to process further verification, or applicants may be required to submit additional documents.  Applicants will be notified via emails#^ and SMS^ within 5 working days / by the application deadline (whichever is earlier) on whether they are eligible to apply via JUPAS.  Only eligible applicants could continue to submit their JUPAS application.

The deadline for JUPAS Office to check and approve valid identity documents within the application period (i.e. 4 October 2024 – 4 December 2024) is 4 December 2024 5:15 pm.  Submission of valid identity documents after 4 December 2024 5:15 pm will be regarded as late applications.  

Notwithstanding that JUPAS accepts their applications, they should not assume that their "local" status will remain unchanged after the acceptance of their applications.

It is applicants' responsibilities to report to the JUPAS Office immediately should there be any changes to their identity documents which affect their status as "local" or "non-local" applicants as defined in EDB's Definition of Local Students (including any updates / renewal of their identity documents) (Reporting Requirements).  Their "local" status may change to reflect the changes to their identity documents.

If applicants' identity document(s) will expire on or before 19 July 2025, they are required to submit the updated / renewed document(s) (Renewed Document(s)) to the JUPAS Office in order to maintain their "local" status.

Applicants who fail to provide the updated / renewed valid identity documents by the specified deadline (i.e. 19 July 2025) will be considered as non-local applicants.  Although these non-local applicants' JUPAS applications may still be processed, they will be considered by the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions together with other non-local applicants applying via the non-JUPAS route.  Non-local applicants, when admitted by the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions, will be required to pay higher tuition fees than local applicants.  Please be reminded that non-local students are not covered under the SSSDP (Details).

For applicants who could produce their valid identity documents to the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions or the SSSDP institutions during admission / registration, the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions or the SSSDP institutions will determine their student status as "local" or "non-local" at the time of submission.  These applicants should therefore check their status with the institutions accordingly.  The JUPAS Office will NOT accept any valid identity documents after the deadline of 19 July 2025.

For Applicants Who Belong to Categories NLS1 – NLS3

Applicants who belong to Categories NLS1 – NLS3 in accordance with EDB's Definition of Non-Local Students are defined as non-local applicants.

ALL non-local applicants, regardless of whether they possess HKDSE Examination results, MUST apply for admission via the non-JUPAS route, and NOT via JUPAS.

Disqualification and Other Penalties for Making False Statements / Omissions

If applicants make any false statements or omit to state any significant information in their online application forms, or if they make any misrepresentation concerning their applications, or if they fail to comply with the Reporting Requirements, their applications may be disqualified, or the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and the SSSDP institutions may withdraw or amend their offers, or cancel their registration / enrolment, or terminate their studies.  Any fees paid will not be refunded or transferred to another year / other application.

Submission of 2025 JUPAS Applications

All JUPAS applications should be submitted via the JUPAS online application system at

The JUPAS online application system is the channel for submitting applications for admission to the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and the SSSDP institutions and accessing the programme information.

Applicants can log in to their JUPAS accounts to check and update their personal data and programme choices within the designated periods after submission of their applications.  In addition, applicants can check their offer results and other application information regarding the JUPAS scheme.

* Subject to change