Application Information
School Principal's Nominations (SPN)
The main objective of SPN is to give due recognition to applicants who have contributed to social services or attained outstanding achievements in non-academic areas such as creative activities, art, community services, leadership abilities, music, other cultural activities and sports.
Submission of SPN
School applicants who possess any of the above qualities or have outstanding achievements in the above areas are eligible to be considered for nominations under SPN by their school principals.
Non-school applicants who possess any of the above qualities or have outstanding achievements in the above areas and wish to be nominated under SPN may approach the principals of their previous schools to check the feasibility to be considered as one of the nominees of the schools.
It would be at the discretion and decisions of their school principals / principals of their previous schools to nominate the appropriate applicants for such special considerations.
Please note that school applicants nominated for School Nominations Direct Admission Scheme (SNDAS) will not be eligible for nomination under SPN, and vice versa.
The deadline for submission of SPN by school principals via the JUPAS online application system is 12 May 2025 (11:59 pm).
Late submission / further amendment will NOT be accepted.
Special Consideration of SPN
Applicants nominated under SPN will be considered by the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and the SSSDP institutions (the Institutions) concerned for their Band A programme choices as at 28 May 2025 (11:59 pm) on an individual basis. Nevertheless, it is not necessary that the nominated applicants will be accepted by the Institutions.
The Institutions may at their discretion:
make conditional offers (in terms of achievements in HKDSE Examination) before the release of the HKDSE Examination results; or
give bonus points to the nominated applicants when they compile the merit order lists for the iteration process to improve the applicants' chances of admission to the nominated programmes; or
give no conditional offers nor bonus points to the nominated applicants.
Applicants who are given conditional offers will be guaranteed places in the programmes concerned as long as they fulfil the conditions as specified by the Institutions offering them conditional offers. Their applications will at the same time be considered by all other programmes of their choices in the Main Round exercise.
Applicants can modify their Band A programme choices after the release of the HKDSE Examination results. However, only Band A programme choices selected as at the deadline for updating of programme choices before the release of the HKDSE Examination results (i.e. 28 May 2025 (11:59 pm)) will be forwarded to the Institutions for their considerations under SPN. Therefore, special considerations may not be given by the Institutions to programme choices in lower bands which are moved to Band A or new programme choices added to Band A after the release of the HKDSE Examination results.
Conditional offers and / or bonus points given to the nominated applicants may be withdrawn if they have moved their Band A programme choices as at 28 May 2025 (11:59 pm) to lower bands after the release of the HKDSE Examination results, or if they have failed to meet the conditions set for the conditional offers.
School principals will be informed by the respective Institutions of the feedback on special consideration of their SPN before the release of the HKDSE Examination results.
Applicants who are nominated under SPN can check the feedback on special consideration and the related information from 11 July 2025 (9:00 am) by logging in to their JUPAS accounts.
Applicants are not required to respond to the feedback, if any, at this stage as their applications will continue to be considered by the Institutions in the Main Round exercise.
The final decision on admission will be announced together with the JUPAS Main Round offer results on 6 August 2025 (9:00 am)*.
* Subject to change