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Rechecking and Remarking of HKDSE Examination Results

1 How can applicants submit applications for rechecking and remarking of their HKDSE Examination results?

Applicants should submit applications for rechecking and remarking of their HKDSE Examination results to the HKEAA.  Please contact the HKEAA at (852) 3628 8860 for further details.

Results of rechecking and remarking of HKDSE Examination results will be released by the HKEAA on 13 August 2025*.

2 Do applicants have to submit the RR results to the JUPAS Office after they are informed by the HKEAA?

NO.  ALL past and / or current HKDSE Examination results (including RR results as applicable) of the applicants will be obtained from the HKEAA by the JUPAS Office, the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and the SSSDP institutions, provided that they have used the same identity document (i.e. HKID card) number to register their JUPAS accounts and for their HKDSE Examination.

In this regard, applicants are required, at the time of application, to authorise, via the JUPAS online application system at the "My Declaration" page, the JUPAS Office, the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and the SSSDP institutions to obtain, and the HKEAA to release, their results concerned in support of their applications.  As such, applicants are not required to submit their RR results to the JUPAS Office.

3 Can applicants decline their offers / "better" offers received after reconsideration of applications based on RR results in order to be further considered in the Clearing Round?

NO.  Applicants with offers / "better" offers after reconsideration of applications based on RR results have been given offers of the highest possible priority on their programme choice lists for which they have the required rating and thus the offers / "better" offers they received are the BEST AND ONLY offers possible.  They will therefore NOT be reconsidered for admission to any other programmes in the Clearing Round, regardless of whether the offers / "better" offers are UGC-funded programmes, HKMU self-financing programmes or SSSDP programmes.

Applicants who fail to pay the acceptance fee / indicate their acceptance of the "better" offers via their JUPAS accounts (as appropriate) on or before the deadline (i.e. 21 August 2025 (5:00 pm)*) or fail to complete the registration / enrolment procedures at the institutions offering them admissions after payment of the acceptance fee / indication of acceptance of the "better" offers will be regarded as having declined their offers / "better" offers, and they will NOT be reconsidered for admission to any other programmes under JUPAS in the same academic year (2025 – 2026).

The offers / "better" offers given to such applicants after reconsideration of applications based on RR results may then be offered to other applicants who are without any offers.

Please refer to the Summary of Arrangements for Announcement and Acceptance of Offers for more details.

4 If applicants have paid the acceptance fee for their Main Round offers, should they pay the acceptance fee for the "better" offers again?

Applicants who have paid the acceptance fee for their Main Round offers and wish to accept the "better" offers after reconsideration of their applications based on RR results NEED NOT pay the acceptance fee again for the "better" offers.  However, they MUST log in to their JUPAS accounts to indicate their acceptance of the "better" offers by 21 August 2025 (5:00 pm)*.  The JUPAS Office will arrange for the transfer of the acceptance fee for their Main Round offers to their "better" offers after the indication of their acceptance of the "better" offers.

5 Can applicants choose to accept either the Main Round offers or the "better" offers after the announcement of the offer results for reconsideration of applications based on RR results?

NO.  Applicants CANNOT choose to accept either the Main Round offers or the "better" offers.  Once applicants are given "better" offers (i.e. the highest preferred programmes of their choices, and also the FINAL offers in the same academic year (2025 – 2026)) after reconsideration of their applications based on RR results, their original Main Round offers will be withdrawn immediately regardless of whether they have paid the acceptance fee of HK$5,000 / indicated their acceptance of the "better" offers via their JUPAS accounts (as appropriate) or completed their registration / enrolment procedures at the institutions offering them admissions.  They will NOT be reconsidered for admission to any other programmes under JUPAS in the same academic year (2025 – 2026).

In this regard, applicants who are already satisfied with their Main Round offers and / or do not wish to be reconsidered for "better" offers NEED NOT submit requests for reconsideration of applications based on RR results.

6 If the Main Round offers are newly added programmes during the modifications of programme choices, will these programmes offered in the Main Round still remain in the programme choice lists when applicants submit requests for reconsideration of applications based on RR results?

YES.  The programmes the applicants have been offered in the Main Round, which are newly added programmes during the modifications of programme choices, will still remain in the applicants' programme choice lists when they submit requests for reconsideration of applications based on RR results.

For applicants submitting requests for reconsideration of applications based on RR results WITHOUT modifications of programme choices:

Applicants' programme choices as at the deadline for modification of programme choices after the release of the HKDSE Examination results will be considered by the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and / or the SSSDP institutions.

If the programmes applicants have been offered in the Main Round are their first choice as at the deadline for modification of programme choices and applicants submit requests for reconsideration of applications based on RR results without modifications of programme choices, their requests for reconsideration of applications based on RR results will NOT be processed.

For applicants submitting requests for reconsideration of applications based on RR results WITH modifications of programme choices:

Applicants' programme choices as at the deadline for updating of programme choices (i.e. 28 May 2025 (11:59 pm)) will be restored to their programme choice lists.  The programmes the applicants have been offered in the Main Round will be placed at the end of the programme choice lists.  Applicants are only allowed to submit a maximum of 20 programme choices.

Following from the above, these applicants can only replace a maximum of 4 programme choices on the programme choice lists with new programmes / add a maximum of 4 new programmes to the original programme choice lists (as long as the total number of programme choices does not exceed 20) when submitting requests for reconsideration of applications based on RR results since 1 out of the 5 quota for adding new programme choices has been taken up by the original programmes they have been offered in the Main Round which are NOT allowed to be deleted at this stage.

Applicants are reminded that they should place the programmes they wish to be reconsidered for "better" offers ABOVE the programmes they have been offered in the Main Round.  Only the programmes placed ABOVE those which applicants have been offered in the Main Round will be reconsidered by the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and / or the SSSDP institutions.

7 If applicants have submitted requests for reconsideration of applications based on RR results but without modifications of programme choices, can they still modify their programme choices at a later stage?

YES.  Applicants can still modify their programme choices before the deadline for submission of request for reconsideration of application based on RR results (i.e. 14 August 2025 (6:00 pm)*).

After this, a one-time only resubmission (based on the programme choice lists as at the deadline for updating of programme choices (i.e. 28 May 2025 (11:59 pm))) can be accepted for a fee of HK$250.  Applicants who wish to request for resubmission should contact the JUPAS Office via phone as soon as possible and no later than the operating hours of the JUPAS Office's telephone enquiry service (i.e. until 14 August 2025 (7:00 pm)*).

This one-time only resubmission MUST be completed by 14 August 2025 (7:00 pm)*.  No further change of programme choices will be allowed after this deadline.

9 If applicants have financial difficulties in paying the acceptance fee before the specified deadline, what should they do?

Applicants who have financial difficulties in paying the acceptance fee before the specified deadline should contact the institutions offering them admissions directly and at their earliest convenience for advice and assistance.

The related information for financial assistance of respective institutions will be announced in due course.

11 Can applicants choose NOT to submit request for a reconsideration?

YES.  If applicants who are already satisfied with their Main Round offers and / or do not wish to be reconsidered for "better" offers, they NEED NOT submit requests for reconsideration of applications based on RR results.

* Subject to change