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City University of Hong Kong

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Creative Arts and Technology Excellence (CREATE) (Options: Creative Media (School-based)/ BA Creative Media / BSc Creative Media / BAS New Media) 卓越創藝與科技課程 [選項: 創意媒體(校本課程)、 文學士(創意媒體)、理學士(創意媒體)、文理學士(新媒體)]


Short Description

The CREATE stream aims to nurture top-level talented and motivated students who are keen to develop their artistic excellence. Students admitted to this stream will take 3 extra credits mentoring course Leadership & Creativity that is exclusively tailored to foster creative leadership. They will also involve substantial international exposure and professional mentoring training during their study.

Students enrolled to the CREATE stream will be attached to either the School-based programme or any of the major after major declaration.

BA Creative Media and BAS New Media students are eligible to apply for the following joint degree programme:

Admission Arrangements

JUPAS applicants can choose either the School-based programme or any of the majors: Creative Media (BA); Creative Media (BSc); New Media (BAS) at the beginning of Year 1, or declare their majors at the end of Year 1.

Flagship Programme

This is one of the CityUHK’s Flagship Programmes, which equip students with essential knowledge and skills, cultivate their global leadership abilities, and connect them with leading professionals. The Flagship Scholarships, which cover tuition and hall fees, a guaranteed berth, and a one-off exchange sponsorship of up to HK$500,000, will be awarded to local JUPAS talents who meet the criteria.

Useful Links:

Useful Information for JUPAS Applicants
Assessment of Applications
Interview Arrangements
Flexible Admission Arrangement for JUPAS Applicants
Special Consideration for JUPAS Applicants
CityUHK Scholarships for Hong Kong Talents
CityU Tiger Programme
JUPAS Admissions Score Reference


  • Programme Entrance Requirements
  • General Entrance Requirements
Same as General Entrance Requirements
Notes for Elective Subject(s):

"Attained with Distinction I or II" in the following Applied Learning subjects may be accepted as one elective subject for JS1040:
  • Subjects under the following Applied Learning course clusters (subject list available at the Education Bureau website):
    • Design Studies
    • Media Arts
    • Performing Arts
    • Films, TV and Broadcasting Studies
    • Media Production and Public Relations
    • Medical Science and Health Care
    • Psychology
    • Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
    • Information Engineering
    • Services Engineering
    • Business Studies ('Data Application for Business' course only)

Portfolio Submission:
HKDSE applicants who select JS1040 as their Band A or B choices are requested to submit a portfolio of creative works to the School of Creative Media (SCM) via an online system. Applicants who select the School as other band choices are also welcome to submit a portfolio of creative works. Details of the portfolio submission will be announced towards the end of 2024 via the School’s homepage at
Core Subjects Minimum Level
Elective Subject(s) Minimum Level
  • Liberal Studies would be used as the alternative of the core subject requirement of Citizenship and Social Development.
  • Unspecified electives may include Category A elective subjects, Mathematics extended modules (M1/M2) (except for JS1801) and Category C other language subjects (Japanese: Level N3 or above; Korean: Grade 3 or above; French/German/Spanish: Level A2 or above) (except for JS1200, JS1201, JS1217, JS1801, JS1805JS1806 and JS1807). If students take both M1 and M2, they are counted as one subject only.
  • Applied Learning (ApL) subjects are not counted as elective subjects, except for JS1040JS1041, JS1042, JS1043, JS1044, JS1805JS1806 and JS1807.
  • Please refer to the minimum entrance requirements webpage for details.
  • Applicants who are marginally failed to meet the entrance requirements of the programme may still have opportunity of admission. CityUHK will continue the flexibility towards the minimum entrance requirements for JUPAS applicants in 2025/26 entry. The details of flexible admission arrangement can be found in CityUHK undergraduate admissions website.
  • For details of the alternative Chinese Language qualifications acceptable by the University for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students, please click here.

Calculation of scores for applicants with more than 1 sitting in HKDSE Examination

CityU accepts repeat results and will use the best results in assessing whether applicants fulfil the entrance requirements and to calculate admission scores.

First Year Tuition Fee


School of Creative Media


Tel: (852) 3442-8049

Admissions Office


Tel: (852) 3442-7640

1. As the 2025/26 academic year is the beginning of the 2025/26 - 2027/28 triennium for which the allocation of UGC-funded places is still subject to the Government's approval, the number of intake places shown above is indicative only and subject to changes or confirmation.