The Education University of Hong Kong

The Education University of Hong Kong
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Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Heritage Education and Arts Management and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Chinese History) 文化傳承教育與藝術管理榮譽文學士及中國歷史教育榮譽學士
Short DescriptionUpdated
The BA(HE&AM)&BEd(CHI HIST) is a co-terminal double degree programme, aims at cultivating students with professional ethics, creativity, lively teaching abilities, and a global perspective for teaching the subject of Chinese History in secondary schools. This programme will also equip students with the necessary knowledge of cultural heritage and museum education. Graduates of this programme will receive two degrees and will be eligible to apply to become fully qualified Registered Teachers in Hong Kong.
- Skills Training
Emphasises creativity, engaging teaching abilities, global perspective and professional ethics for teachers to meet the demands of Chinese history education - Hands-on Learning
Engage in internship programme and teaching practicums to hone your skills in both disciplines - Diverse Career Opportunities
Pursue careers as Chinese History teachers at secondary schools, museums or cultural heritage-related industries - Qualification Recognition
Graduates will obtain dual degrees and be eligible for applying as registered teachers in Hong Kong
Programme Website
- Programme Entrance Requirements
- General Entrance Requirements
Note: This programme requires high Chinese language proficiency. The HKDSE Chinese Language requirement cannot be substituted.
Subject weightings may be adopted in the admission score calculation for particular programmes. Please click here for more information.
Core Subjects | Minimum Level |
Elective Subject(s) | Minimum Level |
ANY 2 SUBJECTSNote | 2 |
Note: Not more than one Applied Learning subjects, excluding Applied Learning Chinese
(1) Applied Learning (ApL) subject (Category B) graded “Attained with Distinction / Attained with Distinction (I)/(II)” is accepted as one of the elective subjects, excluding Applied Learning Chinese. For Bachelor’s degree, not more than one ApL subject will be counted as having met the requirement of an elective subject.
(2) The Mathematics Extended Part (M1/M2) is counted as an elective subject for the purpose of meeting the University’s GERs, but cannot be used as a substitute for the Mathematics Compulsory Part. If applicants have taken both M1 and M2, only the module with the best result will be taken into consideration.
(3) Other Language subjects (Category C) will be accepted as unspecified elective subjects. The minimum requirements are listed here.
(4) For non-Chinese speaking (NCS) applicants who have met the specified circumstances as announced by the Education Bureau (EDB), the University accepts the Alternative Chinese Language (ACL) qualifications, such as GCE (A-level / AS-level) (Grade E), GCE (O-Level) (Grade C), GCSE (Grade C / Grade 4), IGCSE (Grade C / Grade 4) and HKDSE ApL(C) (Attained), as equivalent to Level 3 in DSE Chinese Language for meeting the minimum Chinese Language requirements and for calculation of the related admission scores, except for programmes which require students to have possessed a good command of Chinese.
(5) The admission scores will be the sum total of the level/grade values of the best five HKDSE subjects, regardless of whether they are core or elective subjects and excluding the Citizenship and Social Development subject. Subject weightings may be adopted in the score calculation for particular programmes. Please click here for more details.
(6) For Bachelor's degree programmes, the past result(s) of HKDSE Liberal Studies (Level 2 or above) attained in 2023 or before will be recognised for meeting the Citizenship and Social Development subject requirement in the GERs and will be included in the admission score calculation as long as the result is among the best five HKDSE subjects.
Calculation of scores for applicants with more than 1 sitting in HKDSE Examination
"Combined sittings" is accepted for meeting the GERs and for the calculation of admissions scores. If an applicant has taken the HKDSE examination in a subject more than once, the best result for that subject will be counted. There is no score deduction for repeated subjects.
First Year Tuition Fee
HK$ 44,500
(1) As the 2025/26 academic year is the beginning of the 2025/26 - 2027/28 triennium for which the allocation of UGC-funded places is still subject to the Government's approval, the number of intake places shown above is indicative only and subject to changes or confirmation.