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Hong Kong Baptist University

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Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) / Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Innovation in Health and Social Well-Being 創新醫療及社會健康社會科學學士(榮譽) / 理學士(榮譽)


Short Description

Technological innovation is transforming the global landscape of health and wellness, driving changes in the society and creating new opportunities for the industry. This programme will equip students with the necessary skill-set to apply and integrate technologies with their domain knowledge in health and wellness. Graduates will be technologically competent, entrepreneurial and adventurous. They will be able to identify problems and use cutting-edge health and social technologies to meet the emerging needs in the societies. 

This transdisciplinary programme consists of two concentrations – Health and Social Wellness Concentration and Health Technology and Informatics Concentration.

Health and Social Wellness Concentration
Students in the Health and Social Wellness Concentration may choose courses in social identity & health cultures, health planning and communication, smart cities for healthy living, and innovative solutions for social enhancement.

Health Technology and Informatics Concentration
Students in the Health Technology and Informatics Concentration may take courses in the health management system, biotechnology, smart living technology, and healthcare intelligence.

It is open to students from all academic backgrounds.

Unique Features

Both concentrations will adopt an integrative curriculum covering a range of coherent topics. The Health and Social Wellness Concentration will cover social identity, health communication, healthy living and social enhancement. The Health Technology and Informatics Concentration will examine health management, biotechnology, smart living and healthcare intelligence. 

Teaching will be informed by cutting-edge research particularly in HKBU’s Interdisciplinary Research Clusters of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence and Health & Drug Discovery. Various pedagogies will be adopted such as research-led learning, problem-based and solution-driven learning, service-learning, and guided study as directed by academic advisors.

Student Learning Experiences

Students will work closely in teams alongside with professors, professionals and students to provide solutions to real-life issues in health and wellness. They will also undergo multiple experiential learning activities in and outside Hong Kong.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the Health and Social Wellness Concentration will find positions in corporate health and wellness teams, publishing industry, family health; or work as health or wellness coach/consultant. Those of the Health Technology and Informatics Concentration may work as health informatics specialists, data-based medical diagnosticians, or health data or social impact analysts.



  • Programme Entrance Requirements
  • General Entrance Requirements
Same as General Entrance Requirements

Notes for elective subjects:

1) One of the electives must be any Category A subjects (excluding Extended Part of Mathematics (Module 1 or Module 2));

2) The other elective can be any of the following subjects:
a) Category A subjects (including Extended Part of Mathematics (Module 1 or Module 2));
b) Category B (Applied Learning) subjects with "Attained with Distinction (I)" or above;
c) Category C (Other Language) subjects at Grade C or above.

Remarks on other requirements:
High choice banding in JUPAS application is preferred.

Core Subjects Minimum Level
Elective Subject(s) Minimum Level

Note 1: For Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students, alternative Chinese Language qualifications deemed acceptable by the University (except for the programmes offered by the School of Chinese Medicine) are listed in the website:

Note 2: Equivalences to Level 3 in HKDSE English Language are listed in the website:

Note 3:

  • One of the elective subjects must be Category A subjects (excluding Extended Part of Mathematics (Module 1 or Module 2)).
  • Extended Part of Mathematics (Module 1 or Module 2) and Category C subjects (Other Languages) at Grade C or above can be recognised for fulfilment of the second elective requirement.
  • Individual programmes may consider Category B subjects (Applied Learning) with “Attained with Distinction (I)” or above for fulfilment of the second elective requirement (excluding the subjects under the study area of “Applied Learning Chinese” which are recognised as an alternative Chinese language qualification for non-Chinese speaking students).
  • In general, the scores for Category A subjects are converted as follows:
    5**=7, 5*=6, 5=5, 4=4, 3=3, 2=2, 1=1
  • The scores for Category B subjects are converted as follows:
    Attained with Distinction (II) =4, Attained with Distinction (I) =3
  • The scores for Category C subjects are converted as follows:
    A=7, B=5.5, C=4, D=2.5, E=1
Note 4: “Attained” in Citizenship and Social Development (CSD) will not be included in the admission score calculation. Applicants with Level 2 or above in Liberal Studies subject attained in 2023 or before would be accepted in lieu of CSD for fulfilling the GERs. Following the handling of CSD, results of Liberal Studies subject would not be given any score in score calculation starting from the 2024 entry

Remarks on admissions score: Individual programme would adopt different score formulae for calculating applicants’ admissions scores. Please refer to the following link for the updated score calculation and subject weights of our programmes for 2024 entry:

Calculation of scores for applicants with more than 1 sitting in HKDSE Examination

For 2024 entry, HKBU accepts combined results and will count the best results for meeting the entrance requirements and for the calculation of admissions scores.

First Year Tuition Fee

HK$ 42,100


Admissions Office


Tel: (852) 3411 2200


Application Statistics (after Modification of Programme Choices)

Year Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Total
2023 487 555 642 777 712 3173
2022 72 139 236 369 360 1176

Offer Statistics (as at the Announcement of the Main Round Offer Results)

Year Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Total
2023 47 0 0 0 0 47
2022 21 8 0 0 0 29