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Hong Kong Metropolitan University

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Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Language Studies and Translation 語言研究與翻譯榮譽文學士

BA(Hons)LangStud & Tran

Short Description

The Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Language Studies and Translation programme is designed to help students develop practical skills they need in linguistic analysis and translation to succeed at university, work, and beyond. With ongoing guidance and support from a team of approachable teaching staff, students will not only learn a range of linguistic and translation skills, including how to deal with the cultural dimension of translation, account for the differences between the English and Chinese languages, translate texts in specialized areas, machine translation, interpretation, etc., it also offers basic training of the theories in Language Studies and Translation Studies, preparing students for further studies in these fields. Apart from pursuing further studies, our graduates also have ready access to a wealth of career opportunities in professions such as translation, publishing, media, administration, education, etc. Graduates with relevant teacher training can apply for full exemption from the Language Proficiency Requirement for English Teachers.


Programme Website


  • Programme Entrance Requirements
  • General Entrance Requirements
Same as General Entrance Requirements
This programme has specific entrance requirements regarding Chinese Language proficiency, please click here for details.

The following subject(s) will carry a greater weight in admission score calculation, please click here for details.

- Chinese Language

- English Language
Core Subjects Minimum Level
Elective Subject(s) Minimum Level

Applicants with previous HKDSE subject result of A040 ‘Liberal Studies’ will be used as the alternative of the core subject requirement of A045 ‘Citizenship and Social Development’.

  1. Unless otherwise stated in the Programme-specific subject requirements, HKDSE Category B subjects (Applied Learning) with attainment at “Attained” or above; or Category C subjects (Other Languages) can be considered as elective subjects, and up to 2 Applied Learning subjects (excluding Applied Learning Chinese) will be recognized as electives.

  2. Mathematics Extended Part (i.e. Module 1 (Calculus and Statistics) / Module 2 (Algebra and Calculus)) will be counted as an elective subject. If applicants have taken both Module 1 and Module 2, only the module with best result will be taken into consideration.

  3. Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) applicants, who have met the specified circumstances as announced by the Education Bureau (EDB), can use the following qualifications to replace HKDSE Chinese Language level 3 to meet the entrance requirement for Chinese Language:
    - ‘Attained’ or above in HKDSE Category B (Applied Learning Chinese); or
    - Grade E or above in GCE (A-Level / AS-Level / O-Level) Chinese ; or
    - Grade E / Grade 3 or above in GCSE / IGCSE Chinese
    For programmes with specific entrance requirements on the Chinese Language proficiency, please click here for details.

  4. In addition to the General Entrance Requirements, individual programme may require specific subject requirements. Also, some programmes may give higher weighting to certain subjects, core and/or elective, and some may also grant preference to certain elective subjects in admission selection. Please refer to the ‘Programme-specific subject requirements’ for details or click here.

  5. The University accepts combined results of HKDSE examination. The best results will be considered for meeting the entrance requirements and for the calculation of admission scores.

Calculation of scores for applicants with more than 1 sitting in HKDSE Examination

HKMU will consider the best grade attained for a particular subject from any sittings of HKDSE examination taken by the applicant. There is no grade penalty for multiple sittings.

First Year Tuition Fee

HK$ 82,770

Estimated Programme Fees
1st year: HK$82,770
Whole Programme: HK$331,080

Estimated Programme Fees after deducting NMTSS subsidy (HK$34,390/year), if applicable
1st year: HK$48,380
Whole Programme: HK$193,520


  1. The composite tuition/programme fees listed above have included laboratory/practicum/immersion course fees, etc., if applicable.
  2. Non-local students will be charged at a higher rate.
  3. There will be an annual adjustment of tuition fees which will be capped at the actual Composite Consumer Price Index (CCPI) to be announced by the Government. The estimated composite tuition/programme fees for the whole programme have not yet taken the CCPI for the second to fourth (or fifth) year, i.e. 2026/27 to 2028/29 (or 2029/30) academic year, into account.
  4. Students, who fulfilled the stipulated requirements set by the Education Bureau (EDB), are eligible for the Non-means-tested Subsidy Scheme for Self-financing Undergraduate Studies in Hong Kong (“NMTSS”) provided by the Government. For details of the scheme and eligibility, please visit
  5. The NMTSS subsidy amount of HK$34,390/year set out above is for the 2024/25 academic year (AY). The NMTSS subsidy amount for the 2025/26 academic year is to be announced by the EDB.
  6. A student’s eligibility for the NMTSS and the annual subsidy amount allocated in an academic year is subject to EDB’s final approval.
  7. Only local students are eligible for subsidy under NMTSS.


Dr. Teresa Wang


Tel: (852) 27685722


Application Statistics (after Modification of Programme Choices)

Year Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Total
2024 108 213 249 305 338 1213
2023 117 218 279 360 404 1378
2022 133 191 266 378 424 1392
2021 129 204 283 363 437 1416
2020 197 303 336 397 525 1758
2019 205 302 460 571 651 2189
2018 317 522 583 687 801 2910
2017 292 468 537 649 799 2745
2016 235 586 577 809 938 3145
2015 390 746 881 1005 1134 4156
2014 468 874 1066 1194 1343 4945
2013 370 785 996 1279 1396 4826
2012 273 528 911 1150 1292 4154

Offer Statistics (as at the Announcement of the Main Round Offer Results)

Year Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Total
2024 35 23 11 10 3 82
2023 41 22 12 5 12 92
2022 45 16 8 17 13 99
2021 53 16 9 7 4 89
2020 62 35 13 12 18 140
2019 53 28 33 17 22 153
2018 127 73 45 25 0 270
2017 119 61 0 0 0 180
2016 103 82 0 0 0 185
2015 80 70 0 0 0 150
2014 66 19 8 0 0 93
2013 15 49 30 0 0 94
2012 11 24 24 0 0 59