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Lingnan University

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Bachelor of Liberal Arts (Hons) in Global Development and Sustainability 環球可持續發展(榮譽)博雅學士

BLA (Hons) GDS

Short Description

The Bachelor of Liberal Arts (Hons) in Global Development and Sustainability trains global skills through a multi-campus experience and a multi-disciplinary curriculum. Students learn to apply creative and critical thinking to global development and sustainability challenges through analysing cultural, economic, political, historical, environmental and social systems. By interacting within a small diverse cohort and by studying abroad in two or more continents, students learn to effectively communicate across varied cultural backgrounds and professional areas. Advanced coursework and a senior capstone, guided by academic advisers and professional mentors, enable students to address central human problems while critically considering future consequences, both locally and globally.


Programme Website


  • Programme Entrance Requirements
  • General Entrance Requirements
Same as General Entrance Requirements
Core Subjects Minimum Level
Elective Subject(s) Minimum Level
Two of the following elective subjects:

 For applicants who have studied Chinese Language for less than six years while receiving primary and secondary education; or those who have learned Chinese Language for six years or more in schools, which adopts an adapted and simpler Chinese Language curriculum not otherwise  applicable to the majority of students in local schools, the University will accept the following as an alternative to the HKDSE Chinese Language:
  1. Grade E or above in the alternative Chinese Language qualifications of GCE A-Level/AS-Level; or
  2. Grade C or 4 or above in the alternative Chinese Language qualifications of GCE O-Level/GCSE/IGCSE; or
  3. “Attained” or above in Applied Learning Chinese.

 For Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Data Science, the Minimum Level for Mathematics Compulsory Part is 3.

  1. All Category A Subjects will be counted as electives.
  2. Applied Learning subjects in Category B may be recognised as electives/bonus score/tie breakers by individual programmes. For more details, please visit the undergraduate admission website of Lingnan University (
  3. Other Language subjects in Category C will be recognised as unspecified elective subjects. 
  4. The Mathematics Extended Parts (M1/M2) is recognised as an elective subject for the purpose of meeting the University's GERs.

Calculation of scores for applicants with more than 1 sitting in HKDSE Examination

Passes in HKDSE subjects can be obtained at one or more sittings. The best grade for a subject will be used in the calculation of the score in case of multiple attempts.  There is no penalty or mark deduction for repeated sittings of a subject.

First Year Tuition Fee

HK$ 44,500


Registry (Undergraduate Admissions Office)


Tel: (852) 2616 8750


Application Statistics (after Modification of Programme Choices)

Year Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Total
2024 313 346 344 438 378 1819
2023 194 247 270 304 308 1323
2022 104 138 233 282 277 1034
2021 107 139 181 231 199 857
2020 435 354 280 282 209 1560
2019 105 168 177 253 210 913

Offer Statistics (as at the Announcement of the Main Round Offer Results)

Year Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Total
2024 15 0 0 0 0 15
2023 19 2 0 0 0 21
2022 10 4 2 2 0 18
2021 10 2 0 0 0 12
2020 18 0 0 0 0 18
2019 15 4 0 0 0 19
  1. As the 2025/26 academic year is the beginning of the 2025/26 - 2027/28 triennium for which the allocation of UGC-funded places is still subject to the Government's approval, the number of intake places shown above is indicative only and subject to changes or confirmation.