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Lingnan University

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Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy 哲學(榮譽)文學士

BA (Hons) Philosophy

Short Description

Philosophy (the name comes from Greek, by way of Latin, philosophia, and means ‘love of wisdom’) is the critical examination of the grounds for fundamental beliefs.  It is concerned with the fundamentals of thinking itself and as such impinges on all important questions in our daily and professional lives.  In addition to giving students the knowledge they need to fill relevant positions in a variety of professions, such as publishing, journalism, education and so on, the present programme emphasises the development of the ability to think analytically, critically and creatively, and to communicate clearly and effectively. Graduates of this programme are expected to be both resourceful problem solvers and responsible citizens.


Programme Website


  • Programme Entrance Requirements
  • General Entrance Requirements
Same as General Entrance Requirements
Core Subjects Minimum Level
Elective Subject(s) Minimum Level
Two of the following elective subjects:

 For applicants who have studied Chinese Language for less than six years while receiving primary and secondary education; or those who have learned Chinese Language for six years or more in schools, which adopts an adapted and simpler Chinese Language curriculum not otherwise  applicable to the majority of students in local schools, the University will accept the following as an alternative to the HKDSE Chinese Language:
  1. Grade E or above in the alternative Chinese Language qualifications of GCE A-Level/AS-Level; or
  2. Grade C or 4 or above in the alternative Chinese Language qualifications of GCE O-Level/GCSE/IGCSE; or
  3. “Attained” or above in Applied Learning Chinese.

 For Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Data Science, the Minimum Level for Mathematics Compulsory Part is 3.

  1. All Category A Subjects will be counted as electives.
  2. Applied Learning subjects in Category B may be recognised as electives/bonus score/tie breakers by individual programmes. For more details, please visit the undergraduate admission website of Lingnan University (
  3. Other Language subjects in Category C will be recognised as unspecified elective subjects. 
  4. The Mathematics Extended Parts (M1/M2) is recognised as an elective subject for the purpose of meeting the University's GERs.

Calculation of scores for applicants with more than 1 sitting in HKDSE Examination

Passes in HKDSE subjects can be obtained at one or more sittings. The best grade for a subject will be used in the calculation of the score in case of multiple attempts.  There is no penalty or mark deduction for repeated sittings of a subject.

First Year Tuition Fee

HK$ 44,500


Registry (Undergraduate Admissions Office)


Tel: (852) 2616 8750


Application Statistics (after Modification of Programme Choices)

Year Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Total
2024 197 265 327 376 386 1551
2023 149 245 336 376 430 1536
2022 193 238 316 431 444 1622
2021 265 281 378 506 528 1958
2020 506 485 449 582 496 2518
2019 391 431 508 702 660 2692
2018 505 679 763 868 761 3576
2017 384 562 825 908 873 3552
2016 422 480 763 847 799 3311

Offer Statistics (as at the Announcement of the Main Round Offer Results)

Year Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Total
2024 17 9 1 0 0 27
2023 22 12 2 2 1 39
2022 22 13 1 0 0 36
2021 35 2 1 1 0 39
2020 26 3 2 1 1 33
2019 13 9 1 2 0 25
2018 17 8 3 2 1 31
2017 10 7 6 2 3 28
2016 17 3 0 3 3 26
  1. As the 2025/26 academic year is the beginning of the 2025/26 - 2027/28 triennium for which the allocation of UGC-funded places is still subject to the Government's approval, the number of intake places shown above is indicative only and subject to changes or confirmation.