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The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

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BSc (Hons) in Optometry 眼科視光學(榮譽)理學士


Short Description

The School of Optometry hosts two programmes under this Scheme.

The Optometry programme prepares students to become primary eyecare practitioners with expert knowledge of the eye and the visual system. Students gain the knowledge and skills necessary to diagnose visual problems and offer treatment options, which may be in the form of optical lenses or visual training.

The journey to becoming an eyecare practitioner begins with a strong foundation in the basic life sciences, followed by a thorough grounding in the optometric sciences. In the second half of the programme, students acquire the clinical skills necessary to effectively manage a wide variety of visual problems. The five semesters of supervised clinical training in our Optometry Clinic and our satellite clinics with real patients give students many opportunities to learn to care for patients and to consolidate their clinical skills and knowledge.

Throughout the programme, students learn about ethical, professional, and legal issues in preparation for clinical practice.

The Vision Science programme (with Secondary Major) aims to equip students with knowledge of the key principles of optometry and vision science, enabling them to work in the ophthalmic industry and health care settings. Students are trained to provide comprehensive and high-quality support for research activities to contribute to the development of vision science research both in Hong Kong and worldwide.

The Vision Science programme has a very limited quota.


  • Students will receive one of the following awards upon successful completion of the graduation requirements:
    • BSc (Hons) in Optometry
    • BSc (Hons) in Vision Science. This award is only available with one of the Secondary Majors. 
  • Students may enrol in any awards without being subject to further assessment.
  • Students should also consider the remarks in the table below:
Optometry Vision Science and Secondary Major
  • Students receive clinical training in PolyU’s Optometry Clinic and Satellite Clinics. The majority of clients are Hong Kong Chinese. The students begin their clinical rotations in the fourth year of the programme and conduct their clinical practice in English, Cantonese or Putonghua.
  • The option of a Secondary Major in AI and Data Analytics (AIDA) is available to BSc (Hons) students in Vision Science. Admission to the Secondary Major is competitive and subject to a different credit requirement for graduation.

  • The option of a Secondary Major in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IE) is available to BSc (Hons) students in Vision Science. Admission to the Secondary Major is competitive and subject to a different credit requirement for graduation.


  • Programme Entrance Requirements
  • General Entrance Requirements
Same as General Entrance Requirements
There is no compulsory subject requirement. Preferred subjects with the highest weighting for admission score calculation include:
  • English Language
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics (Extended part - Calculus and Statistics)
  • Mathematics (Extended part - Algebra and Calculus)
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Combined Science: Biology + Chemistry
  • Combined Science: Biology + Physics
  • Combined Science: Physics + Chemistry
Relevant Applied Learning subjects that can be considered for meeting the University entrance requirement and admission score calculation are:
  • Fundamental Health Care
  • Health Care Practice
Core Subjects Minimum Level
Elective Subject(s) Minimum Level


  1. An attainment at "Attained" in "Citizenship and Social Development" is required for meeting the entrance requirement but NOT included in the admission score calculation.
  2. For HKDSE repeaters who took "Liberal Studies" in 2023/24 or before and have not taken "Citizenship and Social Development" in 2024/25 and thereafter, "Level 2" or above in "Liberal Studies" would be regarded as "Attained" in "Citizenship and Social Development" for fulfilling the general entrance requirement. However, "Liberal Studies" would not be recognized for meeting the elective requirement of the general entrance requirement in 2024/25 and thereafter. The level attainment of the subject would not be included in the admission score calculation.
  3. Individual schemes / programmes will accept one relevant Applied Learning (ApL) subject for meeting the entrance requirements. An attainment at Attained with Distinction (I) level or above / Attained with Distinction (obtained in 2017 or before) is required.
  4. Other Language subjects (i.e. Category C) offered in the HKDSE Examination will be accepted as elective subjects. The following minimum grades or above are required for 2025/26. For HKDSE repeaters who took Category C subjects in 2024/25 or before, Grade E or above is required.


    Min. Grade  

    - Japanese: Japanese-Language Proficiency Test


    - Korean: Test of Proficiency in Korean II


    - French: Advanced Diploma of French Language Studies/Diploma of French Language Studies

    - German: Goethe-Certificate

    - Spanish: Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language


  5. The Extended Modules of Mathematics will be treated as a single subject in meeting the entrance requirement.
  6. Students endorsed by schools for meeting EDB's specified circumstances and having achieved the required grade in Chinese in one of the following examinations will be regarded as obtaining a Level 3 or above in HKDSE Chinese for meeting our entrance requirements:



    Min. Grade






    C / 4



    C / 4

    HKDSE ApL(C)









  7. No penalty is applied to applicants with multiple attempts in HKDSE Examination. Similar subjects are considered once and the best grade will be taken into consideration during admission selection.
  8. There is no compulsory subject requirement for our schemes / programmes. Preferred subjects, if applicable, are listed in the 'Entrance Requirements & Subject Weightings' section of individual scheme / programme entries. Satisfactory performance in preferred subjects will have a positive influence on admission selection. However, applicants who have not taken the preferred subjects will still be considered for admission but they may need to take relevant underpinning subjects after admission to PolyU.
  9. The study places offered by PolyU through JUPAS are intended primarily for admission of local school leavers. Applicants who are studying or have studied a scheme / programme with degree or above level will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 
  10. Please note that local and non-local applicants are considered under different admission routes with different intake quotas. Non-local applicants seeking admission on the basis of HKDSE results should submit their applications directly to PolyU. Please click here for details on the admission requirements for non-local applicants. 
  11. Applicants who fall short slightly on the general entrance requirements of our schemes / programmes may be specially considered for admission. Details will be announced in due course.
  12. Individual schemes / programmes may have their own specific entrance requirements. Details please refer to the entrance requirements of individual schemes / programmes.

Calculation of scores for applicants with more than 1 sitting in HKDSE Examination

No penalty is applied to applicants with multiple attempts in HKDSE Examination. Similar subjects are considered once and the best grade will be taken into consideration during admission selection.

First Year Tuition Fee

HK$ 44,500


General Office of the School of Optometry


Tel: (852) 2766 4835


Application Statistics (after Modification of Programme Choices)

Year Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Total
2024 199 290 358 445 446 1738
2023 131 242 341 487 427 1628
2022 264 248 343 496 440 1791

Offer Statistics (as at the Announcement of the Main Round Offer Results)

Year Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Total
2024 53 0 2 0 0 55
2023 58 2 2 1 1 64
2022 59 2 0 1 0 62
  1. As the 2025/26 academic year is the beginning of the 2025/26 - 2027/28 triennium for which the allocation of UGC-funded places is still subject to the Government's approval, the number of intake places shown above is indicative only and subject to changes or confirmation.
  2. For JUPAS and non-JUPAS