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Main Round Offer

Main Round Offer

Announcement of Main Round Offer Results

The Main Round offer results will be announced on 7 August 2024 (9:00 am) through the following channels:

  1. JUPAS website;


    Login my JUPAS account


    Offer Results and Feedback

  2. The websites of the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions;

  3. SMS^; and

  4. JUPAS Office 24-hour Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) at (852) 2334 2330.

Each successful applicant will receive only ONE Main Round offer from the programme choice list.  The offer could be:

  1. a UGC-funded programme, OR

  2. an HKMU self-financing programme, OR

  3. an SSSDP programme.

The Main Round offer is the BEST AND ONLY offer to be made in the same academic year (2024 – 2025) and is of the highest possible priority on the applicant's programme choice list.

Applicants who are given Main Round offers, regardless of whether they accept or decline such offers, will NOT be reconsidered for admission to any other programmes under JUPAS in the same academic year (2024 – 2025).

Please refer to the Summary of Announcement and Acceptance of Offers Arrangements.

 Except for applicants with upgraded HKDSE Examination results on subject levels / grades after rechecking and remarking (RR results) who submit requests for reconsideration of applications based on the RR results and are subsequently made "better" offers

Accepting Main Round Offers

To accept the Main Round offers, applicants MUST complete ALL of the following procedures:

  1. paying the acceptance fees; and 

  2. completing the registration / enrolment procedures.

1. Paying the Acceptance Fees

Applicants with Main Round offers MUST pay the acceptance fees of HK$5,000 between 7 August 2024 and 8 August 2024 (5:00 pm) via one of the channels listed in the section Channels and Procedures for Payment of Acceptance Fee.

The acceptance fee is collected by the JUPAS Office on behalf of the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and the SSSDP institutions, and is not refundable or transferable to another year / other application.

Applicants who fail to pay the acceptance fees of HK$5,000 by 8 August 2024 (5:00 pm) will be regarded as having declined their Main Round offers.  They will NOT be reconsidered for admission to any other programmes under JUPAS in the same academic year (2024 – 2025).

Late payment will NOT be accepted.

Please be reminded that if applicants have unpaid fees from their previous studies at any JUPAS participating-institutions and the SSSDP institutions, applicants may be required to settle the outstanding balance if they are offered admission to the same institutions before they are permitted to enroll in the offered programmes.  Please enquire at corresponding institutions for details.

2. Completing the Registration / Enrolment Procedures

After paying the acceptance fees, successful applicants are required to complete the registration / enrolment procedures within the designated period as specified by the institutions offering them admissions.  They should log in to their JUPAS accounts to check the information on registration / enrolment procedures of the offered programmes.

Applicants who are unable to register within the designated period should inform the institutions offering them admissions in advance so that alternative arrangements may be made, if possible.

Applicants who fail to complete the registration / enrolment procedures at the institutions offering them admissions after payments of the acceptance fees will be regarded as having declined their Main Round offers.  They will NOT be reconsidered for admission to any other programmes under JUPAS in the same academic year (2024 – 2025).

Please refer to the Summary of Announcement and Acceptance of Offers Arrangements.

Channels and Procedures for Payment of Acceptance Fee

The acceptance fees MUST be paid via one of the following channels.

CASH (The Bank of East Asia (BEA))

Applicants can pay the acceptance fees in CASH at any branch of BEA by providing applicants' HKID card numbers and the details below.

It will take at least 1 working day for the payment via the bank to be processed.  Applicants will receive the notification of successful payments of acceptance fee and can check the payment status according to the notification schedule.

  • Account Name
    Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS)

  • Account No.

  • Bill Type
    11 Acceptance Fee


  • The APPLICANTS' HKID CARD NUMBERS must be produced and used in making the payments, otherwise the JUPAS Office will not be able to identify the applicants' payments.

  • Payment by cheque or ATM transfer will NOT be accepted.

  • Account Deposit Forms will be issued by BEA for applicants' retention.  Applicants should check the information printed on the Account Deposit Forms carefully before leaving the bank counters.  If inaccurate information is found, applicants should inform the bank staff immediately, otherwise the JUPAS Office will not be able to process applicants' payments and they will be required to make new payments.

  • Please refer to the business hours for respective branches of BEA as they may differ.

E-BANKING (for personal account only) 

Applicants can pay the acceptance fees via e-banking of HSBC, Hang Seng Bank and The Bank of East Asia (BEA).  Applicants need not be the bank account holders.

After successful payment, applicants should check the details on the confirmation pages and print copies for their own record.

It will take at least 1 working day for the payment via e-banking to be processed.  Applicants will receive the notification of successful payments of acceptance fee and can check the payment status according to the notification schedule.



  • Select and enter the following after logging in to the HSBC Personal Internet Banking account:
    Payee : JUPAS
    Bill Type : 11 ACCEPTANCE FEE (HK$5000)
    Bill Payee Account No. : Applicant's HKID Card No. Note
    Amount : 5000
Hang Seng Bank

Heng Seng Bank

  • Select and enter the following after logging in to the Hang Seng Personal e-Banking account:
    Category : Education Institutions
    Merchant : JUPAS
    Bill Type : 11 ACCEPTANCE FEE (HK$5000)
    Bill Account No. : Applicant's HKID Card No. Note
    Amount : 5000


  • Select and enter the following after logging in to BEA Cyberbanking account:
    Merchant / Organisation Category : Education: Post-secondary or Specialised Institution
    Merchant / Organisation Name : JUPAS
    HKID Number : Applicant's HKID Card No. Note


  • The APPLICANTS' HKID CARD NUMBERS must be used to register payments as the Bill Payment No. (e.g. applicant with an HKID card number of A123456(A) should input A123456A as the Bill Payment No.), otherwise the JUPAS Office will not be able to identify the applicants' payments.

  • JUPAS Office has no access to the bank account information for making the payment.

  • Please refer to the respective online payment channels for their system maintenance schedule.


Applicants MUST log in to their JUPAS accounts to make the payments via FPS QR Code within the following periods.  Applicants need not be the FPS registrants.

  • 7 August 2024: 10:30 am – 11:59 pm

  • 8 August 2024: 12:00 midnight – 5:00 pm

Applicants will receive the notification of successful payment of acceptance fee and can check the payment status immediately.

Applicants should check the details on the confirmation pages shown after successful payments and print copies for their own record.


  • JUPAS Office has access to the FPS registrant’s full name and bank name after a successful payment.

  • Please refer to the respective online payment channels for their system maintenance schedule.

PPS by Internet
PPS Online

Applicants MUST log in to their JUPAS accounts to make the payments via PPS by Internet within the following periods.  Applicants need not be the PPS account holders.

  • 7 August 2024: 10:30 am – 11:59 pm

  • 8 August 2024: 12:00 midnight – 5:00 pm

Applicants will receive the notification of successful payment of acceptance fee and can check the payment status immediately.

Applicants should check the details on the confirmation pages shown after successful payments and print copies for their own record.


  • PPS by Phone will NOT be accepted.

  • JUPAS Office has no access to the bank account information for making the payment.

  • Please refer to the respective online payment channels for their system maintenance schedule.

Notification of Successful Payment of Acceptance Fee

Applicants will be notified of the successful payments of the acceptance fees via the following means and schedule:

  1. Email#^;

  2. Message box in the JUPAS account;

  3. SMS^; and

  4. Updated "Payment History" in the JUPAS account

Payment Channels Payment Date and Time (2024) Payment Notification Schedule (2024)
7 Aug (Wed) Note 2 Before 8 Aug (Thu)
(10:00 am)
8 Aug (Thu) Note 2

Before 9 Aug (Fri)
(10:00 am)

Hang Seng Bank
7 Aug (Wed) 9:00 am –
7:30 pm

Before 8 Aug (Thu)
(10:00 am)

7:31 pm –
11:59 pm

Before 9 Aug (Fri)
(10:00 am)

8 Aug (Thu) 12:00 midnight –
5:00 pm

Before 9 Aug (Fri)
(10:00 am)

7 Aug (Wed) 9:00 am –
11:59 pm

Before 8 Aug (Thu)
(10:00 am)

8 Aug (Thu) 12:00 midnight –
5:00 pm

Before 9 Aug (Fri)
(10:00 am)

FPS 7 Aug (Wed) 10:30 am –
11:59 pm
Immediately after successful payment
8 Aug (Thu) 12:00 midnight –
5:00 pm Note 1
PPS by Internet 7 Aug (Wed) 10:30 am –
11:59 pm
Immediately after successful payment
8 Aug (Thu) 12:00 midnight –
5:00 pm Note 1

Note 1 The JUPAS online application system will be closed temporarily during 3:00 am – 6:00 am daily for system maintenance.

Note 2 Please refer to the business hours for respective branches of BEA as they may differ.

It is applicants' responsibilities to check for such messages.  If they do not receive such messages according to the above payment notification schedule after completion of the relevant procedures, they should contact the JUPAS Office immediately.

Special Notes to Applicants With Main Round Offers

Applicants who wish to keep record of their offer results should log in to their JUPAS accounts on or before 29 August 2024 (2:00 pm) and print the record under "Offer Results".


Login my JUPAS account


Offer Results and Feedback

Application via JUPAS in the 2025 Cycle

LOCAL applicants who have accepted Main Round offers and are subsequently enrolled in full-time bachelor's degree programmes under JUPAS, regardless of whether they wish to apply for admission on the strength of their HKDSE Examination results, are NOT ELIGIBLE to apply via JUPAS in the 2025 cycle.

If they wish to apply via JUPAS, they MUST have completed the entire withdrawal process from the full-time bachelor's degree programmes offered by the JUPAS participating-institutions / the SSSDP institutions they are enrolled in at the time they submit their JUPAS applications, otherwise their applications will NOT be accepted.

In accordance with the HKSAR Government's policy, ALL non-local applicants, regardless of whether they possess HKDSE Examination results, MUST apply for admission via the non-JUPAS route, and NOT via JUPAS.

Special Notes to Applicants who Decline Main Round Offers

Applicants who fail to pay the acceptance fees on or before the deadline (i.e. 8 August 2024 (5:00 pm)) or fail to complete the registration / enrolment procedures at the institutions offering them admissions after payments of the acceptance fees will be regarded as having declined their Main Round offers.  They will NOT be reconsidered for admission to any other programmes under JUPAS in the same academic year (2024 – 2025).

The Main Round offers given to such applicants may then be offered to other applicants who are without any offers.

Please refer to the Summary of Announcement and Acceptance of Offers Arrangements.

 Except for applicants with upgraded HKDSE Examination results on subject levels / grades after rechecking and remarking (RR results) who submit requests for reconsideration of applications based on the RR results and are subsequently made "better" offers

Special Notes to Applicants without Main Round Offers

There may be a Clearing Round if vacancies are still available after the Main Round.

Only applicants without Main Round offers will be considered in the Clearing Round.  They NEED NOT approach the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and / or the SSSDP institutions to reapply.  They will be further considered by the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and / or the SSSDP institutions for programmes WITHIN their selected programme choices if they are found to be suitable applicants for such programmes in the Clearing Round.

Please refer to the Summary of Announcement and Acceptance of Offers Arrangements.

As email is one of the channels that the JUPAS Office, the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and the SSSDP institutions will use to contact applicants, applicants must ensure that the setting of their personal email accounts will not filter out or place such correspondence in the trash / junk / spam folders.

^ Emails and SMS are delivered via third party network providers and therefore the JUPAS Office is not responsible for any delay, loss, transfer, amendment or damage arising from the transmission process via third party network providers.

Should there be any discrepancies between information contained in emails and SMS and applicants' JUPAS accounts, the information contained in the latter (i.e. the JUPAS accounts) shall prevail.

Applicants are strongly advised to log in to their JUPAS accounts to double-check the related information.

Since important messages and correspondence from the JUPAS Office, the 9 JUPAS participating-institutions and the SSSDP institutions will be sent via applicants' mobile phone numbers and / or mailing addresses, applicants SHOULD NEVER share their mobile phone numbers or mailing addresses with other applicants in order to protect any information related to their JUPAS applications.

 SMS will only be sent to a valid Hong Kong mobile phone number.  Applicants who provide a mobile phone number outside of Hong Kong should check the message under message boxes in the JUPAS accounts.