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Main Round Offer

Special Notes to Applicants who Have Applied for Rechecking and Remarking of HKDSE Examination Results with Main Round Offers

Eligibility of Submitting Request for Reconsideration of Application

Only applicants who have obtained upgraded HKDSE Examination results on subject levels / grades after rechecking and remarking (RR Results), regardless of whether they have been given or have accepted their Main Round offers are eligible to submit requests for reconsideration of their applications based on RR results WITH or WITHOUT modifications of programme choices.

Accepting Main Round Offers

Applicants who have received Main Round offers and wish to accept the Main Round offers should accept the offers, regardless of whether the Main Round offers are UGC-funded programmes, HKMU self-financing programmes or SSSDP programmes, because the Main Round offers:

  1. are the BEST AND ONLY offers to be made in the same academic year (2024 – 2025); and

  2. are of the highest possible priority on their programme choice lists in the case that applicants

I.   do not have RR results; or

II.  do not receive "better" offers after they have submitted requests for reconsideration of applications based on RR results.

Arrangement of Payment made after Announcement of Offer Results for Reconsideration of Application

Main Round Offers Acceptance Fees
1. For applicants with Main Round offers and who WISH to accept the "better" offers
  • who have paid the acceptance fees for their Main Round offers;

  • who are given "better" offers after reconsideration of their applications based on RR results; and

  • who WISH to accept the "better" offers,

  NEED NOT pay the acceptance fees again for the "better" offers.

They only NEED to log in to their JUPAS accounts to indicate their acceptance of the "better" offers by 22 August 2024 (5:00 pm).  The JUPAS Office will arrange the transfer of the acceptance fees for their Main Round offers to their "better" offers after the indication of their acceptance of the "better" offers.

2. For applicants with Main Round offers but who DO NOT WISH to accept the "better" offers
  • who have paid the acceptance fees for their Main Round offers;

  • who are given "better" offers after reconsideration of their applications based on RR results; and

  • who DO NOT WISH to accept the "better" offers,

  may request for a refund of the Main Round acceptance fees they have previously paid.
Tuition Fees

Applicants who have accepted their Main Round offers may be required by some institutions to pay the tuition fee and / or enrolment deposit before the announcement of Offer Results for Reconsideration of Application Based on RR Results (i.e. 22 August 2024 (9:00 am)).


  • who are given "better" offers after reconsideration of their applications based on RR results, and

  • who wish to accept these "better" offers,

may request for a full refund of the tuition fee and / or enrolment deposit, if they have paid such fees, for the programme they have accepted in the Main Round.

Please also note that an administrative fee may be charged by some SSSDP institutions for each refund request.

Applicants should consult the institutions concerned directly for further information and if they have any other questions on the refund.

Please refer to the section on Rechecking and Remarking of HKDSE Examination Results.