Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions / Sectors
Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions / Sectors
Applicants must satisfy programme entrance requirements specific to their desired programmes IN ADDITION TO the general entrance requirements.
Applicants are advised to consult the institutions' websites for the most updated programme information.
Should there be any discrepancies between the programme information listed on the JUPAS website and that listed on the institutions' websites, the information listed on the individual institutions' website shall prevail.
Note: JUPAS CATALOGUE NO. used on this website consists of a prefix "JS" added to programme codes of institutions as contained in their respective prospectuses / e-prospectuses where applicable.
Institution / Scheme | JUPAS Catalogue No. | Funding Category | Programme Short Name | Programme Full Title |
SSSDP | JSSA01 | SSSDP | BN (Hons) | Offered by SFU: Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)Updated 由聖方濟各大學開辦:護理學(榮譽)學士 |
SSSDP | JSSA02 | SSSDP | BSDET (Hons) | Offered by SFU: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Digital Entertainment TechnologyUpdated 由聖方濟各大學開辦:數碼娛樂科技(榮譽)理學士 |
SSSDP | JSSA03 | SSSDP | BSPT (Hons) | Offered by SFU: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in PhysiotherapyUpdated 由聖方濟各大學開辦:物理治療學(榮譽)理學士 |
SSSDP | JSSA04 | SSSDP | BSAI (Hons) | Offered by SFU: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Artificial IntelligenceUpdated 由聖方濟各大學開辦:人工智能(榮譽)理學士 |
SSSDP | JSSA05 | SSSDP | BATT (Hons) | Offered by SFU: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Translation TechnologyUpdated 由聖方濟各大學開辦:翻譯科技(榮譽)文學士 |
SSSDP | JSSA06 | SSSDP | BBA-AHTM | Offered by SFU: Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Applied Hotel and Tourism ManagementUpdated 由聖方濟各大學開辦:工商管理(榮譽)酒店及旅遊管理應用學士 |
SSSDP | JSSC02 | SSSDP | B.Sc (Hons) in Arch | Offered by HKCHC: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Architecture 由香港珠海學院開辦:建築學(榮譽)理學士 |
SSSDP | JSSH01 | SSSDP | BBA-SCM | Offered by HSUHK: Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Supply Chain Management 由香港恒生大學開辦:供應鏈管理工商管理(榮譽)學士 |
SSSDP | JSSH02 | SSSDP | BSc-AIN | Offered by HSUHK: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Actuarial Studies and Insurance 由香港恒生大學開辦:精算及保險 (榮譽)理學士 |
SSSDP | JSSH03 | SSSDP | BSc-AC | Offered by HSUHK: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Computing 由香港恒生大學開辦:計算機應用(榮譽)理學士 |
SSSDP | JSSH04 | SSSDP | BSc-DSBI | Offered by HSUHK: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Data Science and Business Intelligence 由香港恒生大學開辦:數據科學及商業智能學(榮譽)理學士 |
SSSDP | JSSH05 | SSSDP | BMSIM | Offered by HSUHK: Bachelor of Management Science and Information Management (Honours) 由香港恒生大學開辦:管理科學與資訊管理(榮譽)學士 |
SSSDP | JSSH06 | SSSDP | BA-AD | Offered by HSUHK: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Art and Design 由香港恒生大學開辦:藝術設計(榮譽)文學士 |
SSSDP | JSST01 | SSSDP | BHSc(N) | Offered by TWC: Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) in Nursing 由東華學院開辦:護理學(榮譽)健康科學學士 |
SSSDP | JSST02 | SSSDP | BSc(MLSc) | Offered by TWC: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Medical Laboratory Science 由東華學院開辦:醫療化驗科學(榮譽)理學士 |
SSSDP | JSST03 | SSSDP | BSc(RT) | Offered by TWC: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Radiation Therapy 由東華學院開辦:放射治療學(榮譽)理學士 |
SSSDP | JSST04 | SSSDP | BSc(OT) | Offered by TWC: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Occupational Therapy 由東華學院開辦:職業治療學(榮譽)理學士 |
SSSDP | JSST05 | SSSDP | BSc(PT) | Offered by TWC: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy 由東華學院開辦:物理治療學(榮譽)理學士 |
SSSDP | JSST06 | SSSDP | BSc(AG) | Offered by TWC: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Gerontology 由東華學院開辦:應用老年學(榮譽)理學士 |
SSSDP | JSST07 | SSSDP | BHISM | Offered by TWC: Bachelor of Health Information and Services Management (Honours) 由東華學院開辦:醫療資訊及服務管理(榮譽)學士 |
SSSDP | JSST08 | SSSDP | BSc(MI) | Offered by TWC: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Medical Imaging 由東華學院開辦:醫療影像學(榮譽)理學士 |
SSSDP | JSSU12 | SSSDP | BA(Hons)CreaWri&FilmArts | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Creative Writing and Film Arts 由香港都會大學開辦:創意寫作與電影藝術榮譽文學士 |
SSSDP | JSSU14 | SSSDP | BFA(Hons)AnimatVisEff | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours in Animation and Visual Effects 由香港都會大學開辦:動畫及視覺特效榮譽藝術學士 |
SSSDP | JSSU15 | SSSDP | BFA(Hons)IDDA | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours in Imaging Design and Digital Art 由香港都會大學開辦:影像設計及數碼藝術榮譽藝術學士 |
SSSDP | JSSU18 | SSSDP | BA(Hons)NewMusic&Enter | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Arts with Honours in New Music and Interactive Entertainment 由香港都會大學開辦:新音樂及互動娛樂榮譽文學士 |
SSSDP | JSSU40 | SSSDP | BNursing(Hons)General | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in General Health Care 由香港都會大學開辦:護理學榮譽學士(普通科) |
SSSDP | JSSU50 | SSSDP | BNursing(Hons)Mental | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in Mental Health Care 由香港都會大學開辦:護理學榮譽學士(精神科) |
SSSDP | JSSU55 | SSSDP | BSc(Hons)Physiotherapy | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Physiotherapy 由香港都會大學開辦:物理治療學榮譽理學士 |
SSSDP | JSSU61 | SSSDP | BASc(Hons)IntTestInsCert | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Applied Science with Honours in Integrated Testing, Inspection and Certification 由香港都會大學開辦:綜合檢測和認證榮譽應用理學士 |
SSSDP | JSSU67 | SSSDP | BSc(Hons)MedLabSci | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Medical Laboratory Science 由香港都會大學開辦:醫療化驗科學榮譽理學士 |
SSSDP | JSSU69 | SSSDP | BSc(Hons)FoodTestSci | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Food Testing Science 由香港都會大學開辦:食品測試科學榮譽理學士 |
SSSDP | JSSU70 | SSSDP | BSc (Hons) Data Sci & AI | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence 由香港都會大學開辦:數據科學及人工智能榮譽理學士 |
SSSDP | JSSU72 | SSSDP | BSc (Hons)CompSci | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Computer Science 由香港都會大學開辦:電腦科學榮譽理學士 |
SSSDP | JSSU77 | SSSDP | BSc(Hons)CMQSurveying | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Construction Management and Quantity Surveying 由香港都會大學開辦:建築管理及工料測量學榮譽理學士 |
SSSDP | JSSU78 | SSSDP | BEng(Hons)BSE&SustainDev | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Building Services Engineering and Sustainable Development 由香港都會大學開辦:屋宇設備工程及可持續發展榮譽工學士 |
SSSDP | JSSU79 | SSSDP | BEng(Hons)Civil Eng | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Civil Engineering 由香港都會大學開辦:土木工程榮譽工學士 |
SSSDP | JSSU90 | SSSDP | BBA(Hons)Hos&AttractMgt | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in International Hospitality and Attractions Management 由香港都會大學開辦:國際款待及景區管理榮譽工商管理學士 |
SSSDP | JSSU93 | SSSDP | BBA(Hons)AviServMgt | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Aviation Services Management 由香港都會大學開辦:航空服務管理榮譽工商管理學士 |
SSSDP | JSSU95 | SSSDP | BBA(Hons)Sports&RecMgt | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Sports and Recreation Management 由香港都會大學開辦:運動及康樂管理榮譽工商管理學士 |
SSSDP | JSSU96 | SSSDP | BBA(Hons)Fin&FinTech | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Finance and Financial Technology 由香港都會大學開辦:財務及金融科技榮譽工商管理學士 |
SSSDP | JSSU97 | SSSDP | BBA(Hons)GM & SCM | Offered by HKMU: Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Global Marketing and Supply Chain Management 由香港都會大學開辦:環球市場及供應鏈管理榮譽工商管理學士 |
SSSDP | JSSV01 | SSSDP | BA(FD) | Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Fashion Design 由高科院開辦:時裝設計(榮譽)文學士 |
SSSDP | JSSV02 | SSSDP | BA(PD) | Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Product Design 由高科院開辦:產品設計(榮譽)文學士 |
SSSDP | JSSV03 | SSSDP | BA(LA) | Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Landscape Architecture 由高科院開辦:園境建築(榮譽)文學士 |
SSSDP | JSSV04 | SSSDP | BA(CAM) | Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Culinary Arts and Management 由高科院開辦:廚藝及管理(榮譽)文學士 |
SSSDP | JSSV05 | SSSDP | BEng(CE) | Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Civil Engineering 由高科院開辦:土木工程(榮譽)工學士 |
SSSDP | JSSV07 | SSSDP | BSc(HALM) | Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Horticulture, Arboriculture and Landscape ManagementUpdated 由高科院開辦:園藝樹藝及園境管理(榮譽)理學士 |
SSSDP | JSSV08 | SSSDP | BSc(SUR) | Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Surveying 由高科院開辦:測量學(榮譽)理學士 |
SSSDP | JSSV09 | SSSDP | BSocSc(SRM) | Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Sports and Recreation Management 由高科院開辦:運動及康樂管理(榮譽)社會科學學士 |
SSSDP | JSSV10 | SSSDP | BEng(BSE) | Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Building Services Engineering 由高科院開辦:屋宇設備工程(榮譽)工學士 |
SSSDP | JSSV13 | SSSDP | BSocSc(SC) | Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Sports Coaching 由高科院開辦:運動教練(榮譽)社會科學學士 |
SSSDP | JSSW01 | SSSDP | BAvOM | Offered by UOWCHK: Bachelor of Aviation (Honours) in Operations and Management 由香港伍倫貢學院開辦:營運及管理(榮譽)航空學士 |
SSSDP | JSSW02 | SSSDP | BMSOM | Offered by UOWCHK: Bachelor of Maritime Services and Operations Management (Honours) 由香港伍倫貢學院開辦:航運服務及營運管理學士(榮譽) |
SSSDP | JSSY01 | SSSDP | BCom (Hons) FinTech | Offered by HKSYU: Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Financial Technology 由香港樹仁大學開辦: 金融科技(榮譽)商學士 |
SSSDP | JSSY02 | SSSDP | BSc (Hons) ADS | Offered by HKSYU: Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Data Science 由香港樹仁大學開辦:應用數據科學(榮譽)理學士 |