About EdUHK
The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) has a history dating back to 1853 when the first formalised programme of in-service teacher training was introduced in St Paul’s College. It was formally established as The Hong Kong Institute of Education in 1994 and was granted the current university title in 2016.
In the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024, EdUHK ranked 5th in Asia and 20th in the World in Education. Also, 38 scholars at EdUHK were named among the world's top 2% most-cited scientists in the latest annual rankings published by Stanford University in 2023. Our professors are not just world class researchers, but also great teachers who will inspire and guide students along their university journeys.
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Our Programmes
Building on its solid foundation and esteemed achievement in the field of Education, the University is dedicated to expanding its academic development and extending its positive impact beyond education, providing diverse horizons and multiple pathways for our students. Throughout the years, EdUHK has expanded beyond the traditional strength of teacher education to offer a suite of multidisciplinary programmes in creative arts and culture, humanities and language studies, social sciences, science and technology, artificial intelligence (AI), sports, personal finance, etc.
Students will enjoy the flexibility to tailor their studies based on their passions and broaden their exposure to more future options through a variety of learning experiences, such as a second major/minor, electives in different disciplines, internships, overseas learning opportunities and hall life education, etc.
Starting from the 2025 entry, EdUHK has revamped an array of Bachelor of Education programmes into Co-terminal Double Degree programmes, combining the teacher education programme with another discipline to provide multiple pathways for students.
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The Future of Learning
With a mission to lead educational innovation, and to promote and support the strategic development of teaching, teacher education and disciplines complementary to education by preparing outstanding and morally responsible educators and professionals while supporting their lifelong learning, EdUHK is dedicated to providing its students with the most up-to-date skills and knowledge, nurturing them to embrace technology, and preparing them for the impact of science and technology, in particular, a challenging digital future.
The undergraduate curriculum has been revamped with four key emphases: Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Digital Competency, National and National Security Education and Legal Knowledge, and Living and Working in our Country to provide whole-person development for our students. Through various forms of learning, whether inside or outside the classroom, such as field experience at the Greater Bay Area and experiential learning activities on entrepreneurship and innovation, our graduates will be equipped with positive values, research skills, knowledge capability in STEAM, an understanding of sustainable development, and national and global perspectives.
Global Experience
EdUHK provides student exchange to expand students' horizons and develop their intercultural communication skills. We have developed academic and student exchange collaborations with more than 200 tertiary institutions in over 30 countries and regions. Those who study language education programmes will participate in either English or Putonghua immersion programmes to enhance their language proficiency in a native context.
Over 60% of our undergraduate students have at least one type of non-local learning experience—one of the highest among universities in Hong Kong. Full-time undergraduate students can apply for financial support through the Global Learning Enhancement Fund capped at HK$10,000.
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