Founded in Guangzhou in 1888 and re-established in Hong Kong in 1967, Lingnan University has the longest history among the tertiary institutions in Hong Kong. As a top 10 liberal arts college in Asia (Forbes, 2015) and one of the top 100 universities in Asia (QS Asia University Rankings 2018), Lingnan is best positioned to prepare students with its Liberal Arts education traditions for their future success in this rapidly changing world.
In 2023, Lingnan University has come in 2nd worldwide for “Quality Education” in the latest Times Higher Education (THE) University Impact Rankings. Lingnan maintains its rank as among the top three in the THE Impact Rankings four years in a row.
Academic Programmes
The University offers interdisciplinary and balanced programmes of study in Arts, Business, Social Sciences and Data Science at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Apart from courses in the respective disciplines, all programmes incorporate free elective and language courses, as well as the Core Curriculum which provides students with a broad and balanced foundation through an exposure to a wide range of cross-disciplinary subjects. Students may also register for one or two Minor Programme(s) in addition to a Major Programme. For students with good academic achievements may register for another Major Programme upon approval.
The Science Unit was established as part of the Core Curriculum and General Education Office to develop and teach science courses designed for non-science student at the University. It aims to increase students’ understanding and awareness of science through courses, formal and informal public lectures, and engagement with the campus and local community.
Student Development
Hostel life is an indivisible part of Lingnan’s liberal arts education. With a full residential campus, Lingnan offers affordable accommodation for all its undergraduate students in ten hostels. The integrated living and learning environment on campus enables the University’s small student population to receive more personalised attention from faculty and other staff, and better prepares them for their subsequent careers and endeavours.
Nurturing students’ whole-person development is always Lingnan’s top priority. On top of hostel experience, students are provided with a wide range of opportunities to broaden their horizons, enrich their cultural understanding and enhance their interpersonal skills. This is achieved in large part by engaging in several vibrant and enriching activities including the First Year Experience Programme (FYEP), Student Exchange Programmes, mentoring programmes, community service projects and internships. As prerequisites for graduation, all students are required to fulfil their curricular requirements and the English language graduation requirement, pass the Information Technology Fluency (ITF) Test, and satisfy specific aspects of the Integrated Learning Programme (ILP) and the Service-Learning (S-L) programmes. All these components form an integral and indispensable part of Lingnan undergraduate education and contribute to producing graduates that not only have mastered analytic, critical and cognitive skills but also possess a moral and humanistic disposition.