The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Applicants must satisfy programme entrance requirements specific to their desired programmes IN ADDITION TO the general entrance requirements.
Applicants are advised to consult the institutions' websites for the most updated programme information.
Should there be any discrepancies between the programme information listed on the JUPAS website and that listed on the institutions' websites, the information listed on the individual institutions' website shall prevail.
Note: JUPAS CATALOGUE NO. used on this website consists of a prefix "JS" added to programme codes of institutions as contained in their respective prospectuses / e-prospectuses where applicable.
Institution / Scheme | JUPAS Catalogue No. | Funding Category | Programme Short Name | Programme Full Title |
HKUST | JS5101 | UGC-funded | IRE | International Research Enrichment 國際科研 |
HKUST | JS5102 | UGC-funded | SSCI-A | Science (Group A) 理學A組 |
HKUST | JS5103 | UGC-funded | SSCI-B | Science (Group B) 理學B組 |
HKUST | JS5118 | UGC-funded | BMH | BSc in Biomedical and Health SciencesNEW 理學士(生物醫學及健康科學) |
HKUST | JS5181 | UGC-funded | SSCI-A (AI) | Science (Group A) with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence 理學A組– 延伸主修人工智能 |
HKUST | JS5212 | UGC-funded | CPEG | BEng in Computer Engineering 工學士(計算機工程學) |
HKUST | JS5220 | UGC-funded | CBE | Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering 化學及生物工程學系 |
HKUST | JS5230 | UGC-funded | CIVL | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 土木及環境工程學系 |
HKUST | JS5240 | UGC-funded | CSE | Department of Computer Science and Engineering 計算機科學及工程學系 |
HKUST | JS5250 | UGC-funded | ECE | Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering 電子及計算機工程學系 |
HKUST | JS5260 | UGC-funded | IEDA | Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics 工業工程及決策分析學系 |
HKUST | JS5270 | UGC-funded | MAE | Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 機械及航空航天工程學系 |
HKUST | JS5282 | UGC-funded | ENGG+AI | Engineering with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence 工程學– 延伸主修人工智能 |
HKUST | JS5300 | UGC-funded | B&M | Business and Management 工商管理 |
HKUST | JS5311 | UGC-funded | ECON | BBA in Economics 工商管理學士(經濟學) |
HKUST | JS5312 | UGC-funded | FINA | BBA in Finance 工商管理學士(金融學) |
HKUST | JS5313 | UGC-funded | GBUS | BBA in Global Business 工商管理學士(環球商業管理) |
HKUST | JS5314 | UGC-funded | IS | BBA in Information Systems 工商管理學士(資訊系統學) |
HKUST | JS5315 | UGC-funded | MGMT | BBA in Management 工商管理學士(管理學) |
HKUST | JS5316 | UGC-funded | MARK | BBA in Marketing 工商管理學士(市場學) |
HKUST | JS5317 | UGC-funded | OM | BBA in Operations Management 工商管理學士(營運管理學) |
HKUST | JS5318 | UGC-funded | ACCT | BBA in Professional Accounting 工商管理學士(專業會計學) |
HKUST | JS5331 | UGC-funded | ECOF | BSc in Economics and Finance 理學士(經濟及金融學) |
HKUST | JS5332 | UGC-funded | QFIN | BSc in Quantitative Finance 理學士(量化金融學) |
HKUST | JS5411 | UGC-funded | GCS | BSc in Global China Studies 理學士(環球中國研究) |
HKUST | JS5412 | UGC-funded | QSA | BSc in Quantitative Social Analysis 理學士(定量社會數據分析) |
HKUST | JS5711 | UGC-funded | ISDN | BSc in Integrative Systems and Design 理學士(綜合系統與設計) |
HKUST | JS5811 | UGC-funded | BIBU | BSc in Biotechnology and Business 理學士(生物科技及商學) |
HKUST | JS5812 | UGC-funded | EVMT | BSc in Environmental Management and Technology 理學士(環境管理及科技) |
HKUST | JS5813 | UGC-funded | MAEC | BSc in Mathematics and Economics 理學士(數學與經濟學) |
HKUST | JS5814 | UGC-funded | RMBI | BSc in Risk Management and Business Intelligence 理學士(風險管理及商業智能學) |
HKUST | JS5822 | UGC-funded | SGFN | BSc in Sustainable and Green Finance 理學士(可持續發展及綠色金融) |
HKUST | JS5901 | UGC-funded | T&M-DDP | BEng/BSc & BBA Dual Degree Program in Technology & Management 科技及管理學雙學位課程 |