Applicants must satisfy programme entrance requirements specific to their desired programmes IN ADDITION TO the general entrance requirements.
Applicants are advised to consult the institutions' websites for the most updated programme information.
Should there be any discrepancies between the programme information listed on the JUPAS website and that listed on the institutions' websites, the information listed on the individual institutions' website shall prevail.
Note: JUPAS CATALOGUE NO. used on this website consists of a prefix "JS" added to programme codes of institutions as contained in their respective prospectuses / e-prospectuses where applicable.
Institution / Scheme | JUPAS Catalogue No. | Funding Category | Programme Short Name | Programme Full Title |
HKU | JS6004 | UGC-funded | BA(AS) | Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies 建築學文學士 |
HKU | JS6016 | UGC-funded | BSc(Surv) | Bachelor of Science in Surveying 理學士(測量學) |
HKU | JS6028 | UGC-funded | BA(LS) | Bachelor of Arts in Landscape Studies 園境學文學士 |
HKU | JS6042 | UGC-funded | BA(US) | Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies 文學士(城市研究) |
HKU | JS6054 | UGC-funded | BA | Bachelor of Arts 文學士 |
HKU | JS6066 | UGC-funded | BA&BEd(LangEd)-Eng | Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education - English 文學士及教育學士(語文教育) - 英文教育 |
HKU | JS6078 | UGC-funded | BA&LLB | Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws 文學士及法學士 |
HKU | JS6080 | UGC-funded | BA&BEd(LangEd)-Chin | Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education - Chinese 文學士及教育學士(語文教育) - 中文教育 |
HKU | JS6092 | UGC-funded | BEd(ECE&SE) | Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education and Special Education 教育學士(幼兒教育及特殊教育) |
HKU | JS6107 | UGC-funded | BDS | Bachelor of Dental Surgery 牙醫學士 |
HKU | JS6119 | UGC-funded | BEd&BSc | Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science 教育學士及理學士 |
HKU | JS6157 | UGC-funded | BSc(SLP) | Bachelor of Science in Speech-Language Pathology 理學士(言語及語言病理學) |
HKU | JS6224 | UGC-funded | BASc(AppliedAI) | Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Applied Artificial IntelligenceUpdated 文理學士(應用人工智能) |
HKU | JS6236 | UGC-funded | BASc(Design+) | Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Design+ 文理學士(設計+) |
HKU | JS6248 | UGC-funded | BASc(FinTech) | Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Financial TechnologyUpdated 文理學士(金融科技) |
HKU | JS6250 | UGC-funded | BASc(GHD) | Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Global Health and Development 文理學士(環球衞生及發展) |
HKU | JS6274 | UGC-funded | BA(GCIN) | Bachelor of Arts in Global Creative IndustriesNEW 文學士(全球創意產業) |
HKU | JS6286 | UGC-funded | BA(HDT) | Bachelor of Arts in Humanities and Digital Technologies 文學士(人文及數碼科技) |
HKU | JS6298 | UGC-funded | BA&BEng(AI&DataSc) | Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Engineering in Artificial Intelligence and Data ScienceNEW 文學士及工學學士(人工智能及數據科學) |
HKU | JS6303 | UGC-funded | BEng(Elite) | Bachelor of Engineering Elite ProgrammeNEW 工學學士精英課程 |
HKU | JS6315 | UGC-funded | BEng(DASE) | Bachelor of Engineering in Data and Systems EngineeringNEW 工學學士(數據與系統工程) |
HKU | JS6339 | UGC-funded | BEng(ME) | Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical EngineeringNEW 工學學士(機械工程) |
HKU | JS6353 | UGC-funded | BEng(CivE) | Bachelor of Engineering in Civil EngineeringNEW 工學學士(土木工程) |
HKU | JS6377 | UGC-funded | BEng X + MScEng AIE | Bachelor of Engineering and Master of Science in Engineering in Artificial Intelligence in EngineeringNEW 工學學士與人工智能理學碩士聯合課程 |
HKU | JS6406 | UGC-funded | LLB | Bachelor of Laws 法學士 |
HKU | JS6418 | UGC-funded | BNurs-ALT | Bachelor of Nursing Advanced Leadership Track 護理學學士菁英領袖培育專修組別 |
HKU | JS6456 | UGC-funded | MBBS | Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 內外全科醫學士 |
HKU | JS6468 | UGC-funded | BNurs | Bachelor of Nursing 護理學學士 |
HKU | JS6482 | UGC-funded | BChinMed | Bachelor of Chinese Medicine 中醫全科學士 |
HKU | JS6494 | UGC-funded | BPharm | Bachelor of Pharmacy 藥劑學學士 |
HKU | JS6602 | UGC-funded | BSc(I&T) | Bachelor of Science in Innovation and TechnologyNEW 理學士(創新與科技) |
HKU | JS6688 | UGC-funded | SMC | Science Master Class (Double Degree) 科研專才啟導課程(雙學位課程) |
HKU | JS6705 | UGC-funded | BPsych | Bachelor of Psychology 心理學學士 |
HKU | JS6717 | UGC-funded | BSocSc | Bachelor of Social Sciences 社會科學學士 |
HKU | JS6729 | UGC-funded | BSc(ActuarSc) | Bachelor of Science in Actuarial ScienceUpdated 理學士(精算學) |
HKU | JS6731 | UGC-funded | BSW | Bachelor of Social Work 社會工作學學士 |
HKU | JS6755 | UGC-funded | BBA | Bachelor of Business Administration 工商管理學學士 |
HKU | JS6767 | UGC-funded | BEcon/BEcon&Fin | Bachelor of Economics / Bachelor of Economics and Finance 經濟學學士 / 經濟金融學學士 |
HKU | JS6779 | UGC-funded | SDS | Statistical Decision SciencesNEW 統計決策科學 |
HKU | JS6781 | UGC-funded | BBA(Acc&Fin)/BBA(ADA) | Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance / Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting Data Analytics 工商管理學學士(會計及財務) / 工商管理學學士(會計數據分析) |
HKU | JS6793 | UGC-funded | BBA(BA) | Bachelor of Business Administration (Business Analytics) 工商管理學學士(商業分析) |
HKU | JS6808 | UGC-funded | BBA(Law)&LLB | Bachelor of Business Administration (Law) and Bachelor of Laws 工商管理學學士(法學)及法學士 |
HKU | JS6810 | UGC-funded | BSocSc(Govt&Laws)&LLB | Bachelor of Social Sciences (Government and Laws) and Bachelor of Laws (Double Degree) 社會科學學士(政治學與法學)及法學士(雙學位課程) |
HKU | JS6822 | UGC-funded | BJ | Bachelor of JournalismUpdated 新聞學學士 |
HKU | JS6846 | UGC-funded | BSc(MAT) | Bachelor of Science in Marketing Analytics and Technology 理學士(營銷分析及科技) |
HKU | JS6858 | UGC-funded | BSc&LLB | Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws (Double Degree) 理學士及法學士(雙學位課程) |
HKU | JS6860 | UGC-funded | BFin(AMPB) | Bachelor of Finance in Asset Management and Private Banking 金融學學士(資產管理及私人銀行) |
HKU | JS6884 | UGC-funded | BSc(QFin) | Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finance 理學士(計量金融) |
HKU | JS6896 | UGC-funded | BBA(IBGM) | Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business and Global Management 工商管理學學士(國際商業及環球管理) |
HKU | JS6901 | UGC-funded | BSc | Bachelor of Science 理學士 |
HKU | JS6925 | UGC-funded | BEng(BME) | Bachelor of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering 工學學士(生物醫學工程) |
HKU | JS6937 | UGC-funded | GEBP | Global Engineering and Business Programme 環球工程與商業課程 |
HKU | JS6949 | UGC-funded | BBiomedSc | Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences 生物醫學學士 |
HKU | JS6987 | UGC-funded | BEng(CE/EE/ElecE) | Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Electronic EngineeringNEW 工學學士(計算機工程/電機工程/電子工程) |
HKU | JS6999 | UGC-funded | CDS | Computing and Data ScienceNEW 計算與數據科學 |