Applicants must satisfy programme entrance requirements specific to their desired programmes IN ADDITION TO the general entrance requirements.
Applicants are advised to consult the institutions' websites for the most updated programme information.
Should there be any discrepancies between the programme information listed on the JUPAS website and that listed on the institutions' websites, the information listed on the individual institutions' website shall prevail.
Note: JUPAS CATALOGUE NO. used on this website consists of a prefix "JS" added to programme codes of institutions as contained in their respective prospectuses / e-prospectuses where applicable.
Institution / Scheme | JUPAS Catalogue No. | Funding Category | Programme Short Name | Programme Full Title |
CUHK | JS4006 | UGC-funded | ANTHROPOLOGY | Anthropology 人類學 |
CUHK | JS4018 | UGC-funded | CHI LANG & LIT | Chinese Language and Literature 中國語言及文學 |
CUHK | JS4032 | UGC-funded | ENGLISH | English 英文 |
CUHK | JS4044 | UGC-funded | FINE ARTS | Fine Arts 藝術 |
CUHK | JS4056 | UGC-funded | HISTORY | History 歷史 |
CUHK | JS4068 | UGC-funded | JAPANESE STUDIES | Japanese Studies 日本研究 |
CUHK | JS4070 | UGC-funded | LINGUISTICS | Linguistics 語言學 |
CUHK | JS4082 | UGC-funded | MUSIC | Music 音樂 |
CUHK | JS4094 | UGC-funded | PHILOSOPHY | Philosophy 哲學 |
CUHK | JS4100 | UGC-funded | PUBLIC HUMANITIES | Public Humanities 公共人文學 |
CUHK | JS4109 | UGC-funded | RELIGION | Religious Studies 宗教研究 |
CUHK | JS4111 | UGC-funded | THEOLOGY | Theology 神學 |
CUHK | JS4123 | UGC-funded | TRANSLATION | Translation 翻譯 |
CUHK | JS4136 | UGC-funded | CHINESE STUDIES | Chinese Studies 中國研究 |
CUHK | JS4202 | UGC-funded | INTEGRATED BBA | Integrated Bachelor of Business Administration Programme 工商管理學士綜合課程 |
CUHK | JS4214 | UGC-funded | GBS | Global Business Studies 環球商業學 |
CUHK | JS4226 | UGC-funded | HOSP & REAL EST | Hospitality and Real Estate 酒店旅遊及房地產 |
CUHK | JS4238 | UGC-funded | IFAA | Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis 保險、金融與精算學 |
CUHK | JS4240 | UGC-funded | PROF ACCOUNTANCY | Professional Accountancy 專業會計學 |
CUHK | JS4252 | UGC-funded | QFIN | Quantitative Finance 計量金融學 |
CUHK | JS4254 | UGC-funded | GLEF | Interdisciplinary Major Programme in Global Economics and Finance 環球經濟與金融跨學科主修課程 |
CUHK | JS4264 | UGC-funded | BBA-JD | Bachelor of Business Administration (Integrated BBA Programme) and Juris Doctor Double Degree Programme 工商管理學士(工商管理學士綜合課程)及法律博士雙學位課程 |
CUHK | JS4276 | UGC-funded | QFRM | Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science 計量金融學及風險管理科學 |
CUHK | JS4320 | UGC-funded | HUM MOV SCI & HEALTH STU | Human Movement Science and Health Studies 人體運動科學與健康研究 |
CUHK | JS4329 | UGC-funded | PHY ED, EX SCI & HEALTH | Physical Education, Exercise Science and Health 健康與體育運動科學 |
CUHK | JS4331 | UGC-funded | BA (CHI) BEd (CHI EDU) | B.A. (Chinese Language Studies) and B.Ed. (Chinese Language Education) 文學士 (中國語文研究) 及教育學士 (中國語文教育) |
CUHK | JS4343 | UGC-funded | BA (ENG) BEd (ENG EDU) | B.A. (English Studies) and B.Ed. (English Language Education) 文學士(英國語文研究)及教育學士(英國語文教育) |
CUHK | JS4361 | UGC-funded | MATHS EDUCATION | B.Ed. in Mathematics and Mathematics Education 教育學士(數學及數學教育) |
CUHK | JS4372 | UGC-funded | BEd (ECE) | B.Ed. in Early Childhood Education 教育學士(幼兒教育) |
CUHK | JS4386 | UGC-funded | LEARNING DESIGN AND TECH | B.Sc. in Learning Design and Technology 理學士(學習設計與科技) |
CUHK | JS4408 | UGC-funded | MAEG | Mechanical and Automation Engineering 機械與自動化工程學 |
CUHK | JS4412 | UGC-funded | COMPUTER SCI & ENG | Computer Science and Engineering 計算機科學與工程 |
CUHK | JS4416 | UGC-funded | CDAS | Computational Data Science 計算數據科學 |
CUHK | JS4428 | UGC-funded | BENG FINTECH | Financial Technology 金融科技學 |
CUHK | JS4434 | UGC-funded | ELEG | Electronic Engineering 電子工程學 |
CUHK | JS4446 | UGC-funded | IERGN | Information Engineering 信息工程學 |
CUHK | JS4458 | UGC-funded | SEEM | Systems Engineering and Engineering Management 系統工程與工程管理 |
CUHK | JS4460 | UGC-funded | BMEG | Biomedical Engineering 生物醫學工程學 |
CUHK | JS4462 | UGC-funded | EEEN | Energy and Environmental Engineering 能源與環境工程學 |
CUHK | JS4468 | UGC-funded | AIST | Artificial Intelligence: Systems and Technologies 人工智能:系統與科技 |
CUHK | JS4470 | UGC-funded | MATERIALS SCI & ENG | Materials Science and Engineering 材料科學與工程學 |
CUHK | JS4501 | UGC-funded | MBChB | Medicine (MBChB) Programme 內外全科醫學士課程 |
CUHK | JS4502 | UGC-funded | MBChB-GPS | Medicine (MBChB) Programme Global Physician-Leadership Stream (GPS) 內外全科醫學士課程環球醫學領袖培訓專修組別 |
CUHK | JS4513 | UGC-funded | NURSING | Nursing 護理學 |
CUHK | JS4525 | UGC-funded | PHARMACY | Pharmacy 藥劑學 |
CUHK | JS4537 | UGC-funded | PUBLIC HEALTH | Public Health 公共衞生 |
CUHK | JS4542 | UGC-funded | CHIN MEDICINE | Chinese Medicine 中醫學 |
CUHK | JS4550 | UGC-funded | BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES | Biomedical Sciences 生物醫學 |
CUHK | JS4601 | UGC-funded | SCIENCE | Science 理學 |
CUHK | JS4648 | UGC-funded | EESC | Earth and Environmental Sciences 地球與環境科學 |
CUHK | JS4682 | UGC-funded | ENRICHMENT MATHEMATICS | Enrichment Mathematics 數學精研 |
CUHK | JS4690 | UGC-funded | THEORETICAL PHYSICS | Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics 理論物理精研 |
CUHK | JS4719 | UGC-funded | RISK MGT SCI | Risk Management Science 風險管理科學 |
CUHK | JS4725 | UGC-funded | BEHM | Biotechnology, Entrepreneurship and Healthcare Management 生物科技、創業與醫療管理 |
CUHK | JS4733 | UGC-funded | MIEGN | Mathematics and Information Engineering 數學與信息工程學 |
CUHK | JS4750 | UGC-funded | ASEIDM | Aerospace Science and Earth Informatics & X Double Major Programme 航天科學與地球信息學及X雙主修課程 |
CUHK | JS4760 | UGC-funded | IDADM | Interdisciplinary Data Analytics & X Double Major Programme 跨學科數據分析及X雙主修課程 |
CUHK | JS4801 | UGC-funded | SOCIAL SCIENCE | Social Science 社會科學 |
CUHK | JS4812 | UGC-funded | ARCHITECTURE | Architectural Studies 建築學 |
CUHK | JS4824 | UGC-funded | ECONOMICS | Economics 經濟學 |
CUHK | JS4836 | UGC-funded | GEO & RES MGT | Geography and Resource Management 地理與資源管理學 |
CUHK | JS4838 | UGC-funded | URBAN STUDIES | Urban Studies 城市研究 |
CUHK | JS4848 | UGC-funded | GOV'T & PUBLIC ADMIN | Government and Public Administration 政治與行政學 |
CUHK | JS4850 | UGC-funded | JOURNALISM & COMMUN | Journalism and Communication 新聞與傳播學 |
CUHK | JS4858 | UGC-funded | GLOBAL COMM | Global Communication 全球傳播 |
CUHK | JS4862 | UGC-funded | PSYCHOLOGY | Psychology 心理學 |
CUHK | JS4874 | UGC-funded | SOCIAL WORK | Social Work 社會工作 |
CUHK | JS4886 | UGC-funded | SOCIOLOGY | Sociology 社會學 |
CUHK | JS4892 | UGC-funded | GLOBAL STUDIES | Global Studies 全球研究 |
CUHK | JS4893 | UGC-funded | DSPS | Data Science and Policy Studies 數據科學與政策研究 |
CUHK | JS4903 | UGC-funded | LLB | Bachelor of Laws 法學士 |